Hukum Wanita Memandang Kepada Lelaki

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... rujukanbuku 'Hijab Memelihara Kesucian Wanita Muslimah', ms.80-81.

Sebagaimana kaum lelaki diperintahkan untuk tidak memandang wanita-wanita yang bukan mahram, wanita juga diperintahkan untuk tidak memandang lelaki yang bukan mahram.

Ummu Salamah r.a (isteri nabi s.a.w) berkata,

'Suatu ketika saya dan Maimunah berada bersama-sama Rasulullah s.a.w. Ketika itu tiba-tiba Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum masuk ke rumah. Kerana mengetahui Abdullah buta, kami tidak menurunkan hijab dan tetap duduk di sana. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, 'Pakailah hijab di hadapannya!'. Saya bertanya, 'Wahai Nabi Allah, bukankah ia buta? Ia juga tidak melihat kami'. Rasulullah s.a.w menjawab, 'Apakah kamu berdua juga buta? Tidakkah kamu dapat melihatnya?'.

Kesimpulan dari hadis tersebut, adalah menjadi kewajipan bagi wanita agar tidak melihat kaum lelaki, sebagaimana telah disebutkan dalam Al-Quran,'Katakanlah kepada wanita-wanita yang beriman agar menundukkan pandangan mereka...' (Surah An-Nur, ayat 30).
Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum r.a adalah seorang yang buta dan seorang sahabat Nabi s.a.w yang sangat warak. Kedua isteri Rasulullah s.a.w juga sangat warak. Meskipun demikian, Rsulullah meminta kedua isterinya agar memakai hijab di hadapan Abdullah r.a.

Sumber : Mata Hati Wanita Solehah

Isteri-isteri di dalam syurga

Bismillahirrahmnirrahim.. (Rujukan buku 'Menuju ke Negeri Abadi', ms 399 - 403)

Telah diriwayatkan daripada Anas bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda:

"Demi sesungguhnya berpetang-petang atau berpagi-pagi (pergi berjihad) di jalan Allah adalah lebih baik dari dunia dan seluruh isinya. Demi sesungguhnya panah kamu dari syurga atau tempat cemetinya adalah lebih baik dari dunia dan seluruh isinya. Kalaulah seorang perempuan dari penghuni syurga dijelmakan dari penduduk bumi pasti ia akan menerangi antara kedua-duanya (langit dan bumi)dan pasti ia akan memenuhi dengan wangian. Demi sesungguhnya selendangnya yang ada di atas kepalanya itu lebih baik dari dunia dan seluruh isinya."
[Riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim dan lain-lainnya]

Telah diriwayatkan daripada Ibnu Umar r.a, beliau berkata Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda:

"Sesungguhnya isteri-isteri penghuni syurga akan menyanyikan untuk suami-suami mereka dengan suara yang paling baik didengari oleh seseorang. Sesungguhnya lagu nyanyian mereka ialah: Kami perempuan-perempuan baik lagi cantik, isteri kepada kaum yang mulia, mereka melihat dengan penuh gembira..."
[Riwayat al-Tabrani di dalam al-Awsat dan al-Saghir. Para periwayatnya semua periwayat hadith sahih]

Telah diriwayatkan daripada Abu Sa'id al-Khudri daripada Nabi S.A.W di dalam mentafsirkan Firman allah S.W.T:

"Bidadari-bidadari itu (cantik berseri) seperti permata delima dan marjan."

Baginda bersabda:

"Sesungguhnya seorang lelaki itu akan duduk bersandar di dalam syurga selama 70 puluh tahun sebelum ia berpindah. kemudian datang kepada isterinya lalu ia memeluk bahunya. Maka ia dapat melihat mukanya pada pipi isterinya yang lebih jernih daripada cermin. Dan bahawa permata paling rendah dipakainya itu menyinari antara timur dan barat. Lalu ia mengucapkan salam kepada suaminya."
Baginda bersabda
"Lalu ia menjawab salam isterinya dan bertanya: "Siapakah engkau?" Maka ia menjawab: "Aku dari syurga." Dan bahawa ia memakai 70 pakaian. Paling rendahnya seumpama kain lembut paling baik. Maka matanya dapat menembusinya sehingga ia dapat melihat isi betisnya daripada sebaliknya. Dan bahawa ia memakai mahkota, serendah-rendah permata padanya menerangi antara timur dan barat."
[Riwayat Ahmad dan Ibnu Hibban di dalam sahihnya]

At-Tabrani dan al-Bazzar telah mengeluarkan hadith dengan sanad yang sahih daripada Abu Hurairah r.a beliau berkata:
"Baginda S.A.W ditanya: "wahai Rasulullah, adakah kita boleh berhubung dengan isteri-isteri kita di dalam syurga?" Maka baginda menjawab: "Sesungguhnya seorang lelaki akan dapat berhubung di dalam masa sehari dengan seratus perawan."

Sungguh indah sekali suasana di sana. Seorang saudara akan menziarahi saudaranya seIslam. bapa menziarahi anak-anaknya. Anak-anak menziarahi Ibubapanya di dalam syurga. Lebih indah daripada itu semua apabila orang-orang beriman dapat menziarahi para nabi, para siddiqin dan para ulama amilin. Pemimpin bagi semuanya ini ialah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W penghulu bagi semua Rasul. Lebih indah lagi dari semua ini apabila mereka dapat menziarahi Allah S.W.T. Mereka dapat mendengar ucapanNya dan dapat melihatNya tanpa hijab.

'Ya Allah ampunilah segala dosa-dosa kami, sesunguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kami pada hari ini dan masa hadapan, oleh itu kurniakan sebaik-baik ketentuan dan kesudahan ke atas kami, akhirkan kami dalam keadaan beriman, semoga Allah redha ke atas kami, semoga Nabi redha ke atas kami, semoga suami kami redha ke atas kami, semoga ibu bapa kami redho ke atas kami dan seluruh umat Islam yang beriman redha ke atas kami. Semoga Syurga milik kami.. Amin.'

Sumber : Mata Hati Wanita Solehah

Muhasabah Bagi Orang Yang Ingin Dinikahi


Pesanan Rasulullah saw untuk kaum Lelaki : "Jangan engkau kahwini wanita yang enam, jangan yang ananah, yang mananah, dan yang hananah dan jangan engkau kahwini yang hadaqah, yang basaqah dan yang syadaqah".

1.Wanita Ananah:
Wanita yang banyak mengomen itu dan ini. Apa yang diberi atau dilakukan suami untuk rumahnya tangga semua tidak kena dan tidak berpuas hati.

2.Wanita Mananah:
Wanita sebegini yang menidakkan usaha dan jasa suami sebaliknya mendabik dada dialah yang banyak berkorban untuk membangun rumah tangga. Dia suka mengungkit-ungkit apa yang dilakukan untuk kebaikan rumah tangga. Biasanya wanita ini bekerja atau berkedudukan tinggi dan bergaji besar.

3.Wanita Hananah:
Menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain, yang dikahwininya sebelum ini atau kepada anaknya dari suami yang lain dan wanita ini berangan-angan mendapatkan suami yang lebih baik dari suami yang sedia ada. Dalam kata lain wanita sebegini tidak bersyukur dengan jodohnya itu. Wanita sebegini yang mengkufuri nikmat perkahwinan. Dia juga merendahkan kebolehan dan kemampuan suaminya.

4.Wanita Hadaqah:
Melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu, lalu menyatakan keinginannya utk memiliki barang itu dan memaksa suaminya untuk membelinya selain itu wanita ini suka ikut nafsunya. Wanita sebigini memeningkan kepala lelaki. Dia tenguk apa saja dia mahu. Dia suka membandingkan dirinya dengan diri orang lain. Suka menunjuk-nujuk. Wanita inilah yang menjadikan suami dulu handsome sekarang suah botak.

5. Wanita Basaqah : ada 2 makna:

Wanita sebegini yang suka bersolek dan menghiaskan diri. Dia menghias diri bukan untuk sumainya tetapi untuk ditunjuk-tujukkan kepada dunia. Suka melawa. Wangnya dihabiskan untuk membeli make-up, kasut dan barang kemas. Wanita begini juga suka dipuji-puji. Kalau dia kebetulan menjadi isteri orang ternama dan menjadi pula ketua dalam kumpulan itu, orang lain tidak boleh mengatasi dirinya.

Dia marah ketika makan dan tidak mahu makan kecuali sendirian dan diasingkannya bahagiannya.

6.Wanita Syadaqah:
Banyak cakap, tidak menentu lagi bising. Kebecokan itu juga menyebabkan segala kerja yang dibuatnya tidak menjadi, hanya tukang sibuk dan komen saja.

---Dicatat oleh Imam Al-Ghazalli...Wallahu'alam.

Sumber : Hafizatul Qiram

Hadith - Mimpi Rasulullah s.a.w.

Dari Samurah ibn Jundab r.a. meriwayatkan; Rasulullah s.a.w. seringkali bertanya kepada sahabat-sahabatnya: Adakah seseorang daripada kamu bermimpi? Maka salah seorang di antara mereka akan menceritakan mimpinya dan Rasulullah s.a.w. akan menjelaskannya. Suatu pagi Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

"Malam tadi dua orang datang kepadaku (dalam mimpi) dan membangunkan aku dan berkata; Pergilah bersama dengan kami. Aku berangkat bersama mereka dan kami melintasi seorang lelaki yang berbaring dan seorang lagi berdiri di sebelah atas kepalanya, dia memegang batu yang besar dan dia menghempaskan batu itu kepada lelaki (yang sedang berbaring itu) sehingga batu itu menghancurkan kepalanya. Batu itu terlempar jauh. Sebelum batu itu sampai, kepala itu menjadi seperti sediakala. Pelempar itu melakukan hal yang sama sebagaimana dia telah lakukan sebelumnya. Dengan rasa hairan saya bertanya kepada kedua orang itu: Subhaanallah! Siapakah kedua orang ini? Mereka berkata; Mari kita berjalan terus!
Maka kami meneruskan perjalanan sehingga kami datang kepada seorang lelaki yang sedang tidur terlentang di atas katilnya, dan seorang lelaki yang lain berdiri di sebelahnya dengan sebatang paku besi dan dia meletakkan paku itu dari satu sisi mulut lelaki itu, maka merobek pipi salah satu daripada mukanya, hidungnya dan matanya sampai ke tengkuk dan demikian pula dia melakukan hal yang sama pada sebelah yang lain. Ketika dia mencarik-carik salah satu bahagian dari muka orang itu, bahagian yang lain telah kembali pulih, kemudian dia kembali kepada bahagian yang pertama untuk mengulanginya. Saya bertanya kepada kedua orang itu: Subhaanallah! Siapakah kedua orang ini? Mereka berkata; Mari kita berjalan terus!
Kemudian kami meneruskan perjalanan dan kami sampai pada sesuatu seperti tannur (sebuah lubang seperti tempayan yang biasanya dibuat dari tanah untuk membakar roti). Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda; Dalam tempayan itu terdengar suara tangisan dan jeritan. Kami melihat ke dalamnya dan mendapati lelaki dan wanita dalam keadaan telanjang dan nyala api yang membakar dari bawah. Dan apabila api itu sampai kepada mereka, mereka menjerit dengan suara yang kuat. Aku bertanya kepada mereka: Siapakah mereka ini? Mereka meminta aku untuk berjalan terus!
Maka kami meneruskan perjalanan sehingga kami sampai ke sebuah sungai yang berwarna merah seperti darah. Rasulullah s.a.w. menambahkan: Dan sesungguhnya dalam sungai itu ada seseorang lelaki yang sedang berenang dan di tebingnya ada lelaki yang sudah mengumpulkan batu-batu. Lelaki yang berenang itu datang kepada lelaki itu lalu membuka mulutnya dan orang yang berada di tebing sungai itu melemparkan batu ke dalam mulutnya, kemudian dia pergi dan berenang kembali. Dia kembali dan setiap kali sampai diulangi lagi perbuatan itu. Aku bertanya kepada kedua sahabatku: Siapakah mereka ini? Mereka berkata kepadaku; Teruskan, teruskan.
Maka kami meneruskan perjalanan sehingga kami sampai pada seorang lelaki dengan wajah yang hodoh, wajah yang hodoh yang tidak pernah kulihat. Selain dia, ada api dan dia sedang dinyalakannya dan dia berlari mengelilingi api itu. Aku bertanya kepada sahabat-sahabatku: Siapakah orang ini? Mereka berkata kepadaku: Teruskan, teruskan.
Maka kami meneruskan perjalanan kami sehingga sampai pada sebuah taman yang hijau daunnya sangat lebat yang memiliki warna dari semua sumber. Di tengah-tengah kebun itu ada seorang lelaki yang sangat tinggi dan amat sukar untuk melihat kepalanya kerana sangat tingginya dan di sekelilingnya ada kanak-kanak yang ramai yang tidak pernah aku lihat sesuatu seperti itu. Aku bertanyakan kepada sahabat-sahabatku: Siapakah orang ini? Mereka menjawab: Teruskan, teruskan.
Maka kami meneruskan perjalanan sehingga kami sampai pada sebuah taman yang sangat anggun, lebih besar dan lebih cantik daripada yang pernah aku lihat. Kedua sahabatku berkata kepadaku; Pergilah dan naiklah. Maka kami naik sehingga kami sampai ke sebuah kota yang diperbuat dari emas dan batu-batanya dari emas dan perak. Maka kami pergi ke gerbangnya dan pintunya terbuka, maka kami masuk ke dalam kota itu dan kami mendapatkan di dalam lelaki dengan saparuh badannya sangat tampan sebagaimana orang yang sangat tampan yang pernah kamu lihat, dan separuh dari badannya sangat hodoh yang tidak pernah kamu lihat orang sehodoh itu. Kedua sahabatku memerintahkan orang-orang ini untuk terjun ke dalam sungai itu (sebuah sungai yang mengalir) yang airnya putih seperti susu. Orang-orang itu pergi dan mencelupkan badannya ke dalam sungai itu kemudian kembali kepada kami dengan rupa yang tampan (keseluruhannya).
Rasulullah s.a.w. menambah: Kedua sahabat-sahabatku kemudian sambil menunjuk berkata kepadaku: Itulah tempat untuk kamu, iaitu Jannatul 'Adn. Aku mengangkat pandanganku dan sesungguhnya aku melihat di sana sebuah mahligai seperti awan putih. Kemudian sahabatku berkata kepadaku; Istana itu adalah kepunyaanmu. Aku berkata kepada mereka; ???? ???? ?????. Ertinya; Semoga Allah memberkati kamu berdua. Izinkan aku untuk masuk ke dalamnya. Mereka menjawab: Bukan sekarang, tetapi engkau akan memasukinya (pada suatu hari).
Aku berkata kepada mereka: Aku telah melihat banyak kejadian pada malam ini, apakah maksud dari semua ini? Mereka menjawab: Kami akan memberitahu kamu. Peristiwa orang pertama yang kamu lalui, kepalanya sedang dilempari dengan batu, dia adalah orang yang mempelajari Al-Quran dan kemudian tidak membacanya atau tidak beramal dengan perintah-perintahnya dan tidur tanpa mengerjakan sembahyang. Dan bagi orang yang kamu lalui ke atasnya kedua sisi mulutnya, hidung dan matanya dikoyak dari depan ke belakang, dia adalah lelaki yang keluar dari rumahnya pada waktu pagi dan menyebarkan kebohongan-kebohongan ke seluruh dunia. Dan lelaki dan perempuan yang telanjang itu yang kamu lihat dalam tempayan pembakar roti adalah penzina lelaki dan perempuan. Lelaki yang engkau lihat sedang berenang di sungai dan yang diberikan batu untuk ditelan adalah pemakan riba' dan lelaki yang kelihatan hodoh yang kamu lihat dekat api yang sedang dinyalakannya dan mengelilinginya itu adalah Malik (penjaga nereka), dan lelaki yang tinggi yang engkau melihatnya dalam taman adalah Nabi Ibrahim a.s. Dan anak-anak yang mengelilinginya adalah anak-anak yang mati dalam keadaan fitrah."
Periwayat berkata; Sebahagian sahabat bertanya kepada Nabi; Wahai Rasulullah, bagaimana dengan anak-anak orang musyrikin? Baginda s.a.w. bersabda;
"Anak-anak orang musyrikin pun (begitu) juga. Rasulullah s.a.w. menambah: Orang yang engkau lihat separuh tampan dan separuh jelek, adalah orang-orang yang bersama dengan amalan-amalan baik, memiliki juga amalan-amalan yang buruk, akan tetapi Allah mengampuni mereka."

Tags :

amalan baik, amalan buruk, batu menghancurkan kepala, berenang, cerita mimpi, daunnya sangat lebat, emas, gerbang, hairan, hidung, Jannatul ‘Adn, jeritan, katil, keampunan Allah, kepala, kepala hancur, kota emas, lelaki, lelaki tinggi, lelaki yang tinggi, mahligai seperti awan putih, Malik, mata, membakar roti, memegang batu, mempelajari Al-Quran, menceritakan mimpi, menghempas batu, menjerit, mimpi, muka, musyrikin, Nabi Ibrahim, nyalaan api, paku besi, paku mulut, paku sisi mulut, pecah kepala, penjaga nereka, perak, Samurah ibn Jundab, separuh jelek, separuh tampan, sungai merah, sungai susu, tafsir mimpi, taman yang hijau, tampan, tangisan, tannur, telanjang, tempayan, tengkuk, tidak beramal dengan Al-Quran, tidak membaca Al-Quran, tidur tanpa solat, wajah yang hodoh, wanita

Nasihat Rasulullah kepada Aisyah r.a.

‘Aisyah r.a meriwayatkan : Rasulullah SAW bersabda “Hai Aisyah, aku nasihatkan kepada kamu. Hendaklah kamu sentiasa mengingat nasihatku ini. Sesungguhnya kamu akan sentiasa di dalam kebajikan selama kamu mengingati nasihatku ini…”

Isi nasihat Rasulullah s.a.w tersebut bolehlah dirumuskan seperti berikut: Hai, Aisyah, peliharalah diri kamu. Ketahuilah bahwa sebagian besar daripada kaum kamu (kaum wanita) adalah menjadi kayu api di dalam neraka.

Diantara sebab-sebabnya ialah mereka itu :

(a) Tidak dapat menahan sabar dalam menghadapi kesakitan (kesusahan), tidak sabar apabila ditimpa musibah

(b) Tidak memuji Allah Ta’ala atas kemurahan-Nya, apabila dikaruniakan nikmat dan rahmat tidak bersyukur.

(c) Mengkufurkan nikmat; menganggap nikmat bukan dari Allah

(d) Membanyakkan kata-kata yang sia-sia, banyak bicara Yang tidak bermanfaat.

Wahai, Aisyah, ketahuilah :

(a) Bahwa wanita yang mengingkari kebajikan (kebaikan) yang diberikan oleh suaminya maka amalannya akan digugurkan oleh Allah

(b) Bahwa wanita yang menyakiti hati suaminya dengan lidahnya, maka pada hari kiamat, Allah menjadikan lidahnya tujuh puluh hasta dan dibelitkan di tengkuknya.

(c) Bahwa isteri yang memandang jahat (menuduh atau menaruh sangkaan buruk terhadap suaminya), Allah akan menghapuskan muka dan tubuhnya Pada hari kiamat.

(d) Bahwa isteri yang tidak memenuhi kemahuan suaminya di tempat tidur atau menyusahkan urusan ini atau mengkhiananti suaminya, akan dibangkitkan Allah pada hari kiamat dengan muka yang hitam, matanya kelabu, ubun-ubunnya terikat kepada dua kakinya di dalam neraka.

(e) Bahwa wanita yang mengerjakan sholat dan berdoa untuk dirinya tetapi tidak untuk suaminya, akan dipukul mukanya dengan sholatnya.

(f ) Bahwa wanita yang dikenakan musibah ke atasnya lalu dia menampar-nampar mukanya atau merobek-robek pakaiannya, dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka bersama dengan Isteri nabi Nuh dan isteri nabi Luth dan tiada harapan mendapat kebajikan syafaat dari siapa pun.

(g) Bahwa wanita yang berzina akan dicambuk dihadapan semua makhluk di hadapan neraka pada hari kiamat, tiap-tiap perbuatan zina dengan lapan puluh kali cambuk dari api.

(h) Bahwa isteri yang mengandung ( hamil ) baginya pahala seperti berpuasa pada siang harinya dan mengerjakan qiamullail pada malamnya serta pahala berjuang fi sabilillah.

(i) Bahwa isteri yang bersalin ( melahirkan ), bagi tiap-tiap kesakitan yang dideritainya diberi pahala memerdekakan seorang budak. Demikian juga pahalanya setiap kali menyusukan anaknya.

(j) Bahwa wanita apabila bersuami dan bersabar dari menyakiti suaminya, maka diumpamakan dengan titik-titik darah dalam perjuangan fisabilillah.

Semoga ahlia-ahlia (isteri-isteri) kita dapat mengambil nasihat Nabi pada Aisyah ini di dalam kehidupan mereka. Namun kita sebagai suami hendaklah selalu mendoakan agar ahli-ahlia (isteri-isteri) kita bersifat seperti isteri-isteri Nabi saw serta kita hendaklah juga selalu memaafkan kesalahan dan kesilapan mereka. Pernah seorang lelaki mendatangi Umar r.a untuk mengambil pandangan berkaitan masaalah isterinya yang banyak bersongeh dan berleter. Setelah sampai didapati isteri Umur r.a pun seperti isterinya suka bersongeh dan berleter. Lalu ia pun meninggalkan Umar r.a. Setelah berjalan beberapa langkah Umar r.a menyedari lalu memanggil lelaki itu datang semula menghampirinya.

Setelah diterangkan maksud kedatangannya lalu Umar r.a pun berkata,: "Siapa mereka, mereka adalah isteri kita. Mereka mendidik dan memelihara anak-anak kita. Merekalah yang menjaga harta benda kita. Mereka memasak makanan serta membasuh pakaian kita. Dan yang lebih penting mereka memelihara kita dari terjebak dengan zina. Sedikit kesilapan dan kesalahan mereka maafkanlah". Lalu lelaki itu pun pulang dengan perasaan puas dengan nasihat Umar r.a.


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70 hasta, 80 cambuk, 80 kali cambuk, ahli syurga, ahlia solehah, ahlia-ahlia, amalan ditolak, amalan gugur, amalan sia-sia, bahan bakar, bahan bakar neraka, banyak bicara, banyak buang masa, berdoa, berdoa untuk diri, berjuang fi sabilillah, berleter, bersongeh, bicara sia-sia, bohsia, cakap sia-sia, cambuk dari api, dicambuk, ditimpa musibah, doa, doa untuk diri, fi sabilillah, fitnah, isteri bersalin, isteri contoh, isteri derhaka, isteri durhaka, isteri membebel, isteri mithali, isteri Nabi Luth, isteri Nabi Nuh, isteri solehah, isteri yang bersalin, isteri yang hamil, isteri yang melahirkan, isteri yang mengandung, isteri-isteri, kaum wanita, kayu api, kehendak suami, keinginan suami, kemahuan suami, kesakitan diberi pahala, kesakitan yang dideritainya, khianat suami, kufur nikmat, lidah 70 hasta, lidah belit tengkuk, lidah panjang, lihat buruk suami, lihat keburukan suami, maruah suami, mata kelabu, memaafkan kesalahan, memaafkan kesilapan, memandang jahat, memasak makanan, membasuh pakaian, memelihara anak-anak, memelihara suami dari zina, menampar muka, menampar-nampar muka, menaruh sangkaan buruk, mendidik anak-anak, mendidik dan memelihara, menduakan suami, menghapuskan muka, menghapuskan tubuh, menghina suami, mengingkari kebajikan, mengkhianati suami, mengkufurkan nikmat, mengumpat, menjadi kayu api, menjaga harta benda, menjatuhkan maruah, menjatuhkan maruah suami, menuduh, menyakiti hati suami, menyakiti suami, menyusukan anak, merobek pakaian, muka dibinasakan, muka dihapuskan, muka dipukul, muka hitam, nafsu suami, nasihat Nabi kepada Aisyah, nikmat, pahala bersalin, pahala isteri hamil, pahala menyusukan anak, pahala puasa, pandang jahat suami, pandang remeh, pandang rendah, pandang rendah suami, pelacur, penzina, perkataan sia-sia, qiamullail, sakit bersalin, sakit melahirkan, sangkaan buruk, seks suami, sifat isteri Nabi, solat dipukul ke muka, solat wanita, suami, suami doakan isteri, suka berleter, suka bersongeh, susu, susu ibu, susu lembu, syafaat, tempat tidur, tidak bermanfaat, tidak doa suami, tidak memenuhi kemahuan suami, tidak memuji Allah, tidak sabar, titik-titik darah, tubuh dihapuskan, ubun-ubun, ubun-ubun terikat, wanita berdoa, wanita kena musibah, wanita penzina dicambuk, wanita syurga, wanita yang berzina, zaujah solehah, ‘Aisyah

How can we repent from shirk

Will Allah forgive us for syirik? Can we repent from syirik? How do we repent. Is there any special prayers we must offer (any duas)?.

Praise be to Allaah.

Shirk is the greatest of sins, because Allaah has told us that He will not forgive the one who does not repent to Him from it, but in the case of lesser sins the matter is subject to His will: if He wills, He will forgive the one who meets Him with that sin unrepented for, and if He wills, He will punish him. This means that we should fear shirk greatly, as it is so serious before Allaah.

Fath al-Majeed, p. 58.

Hence we must repent from all kinds of shirk, whether it is major shirk or minor shirk. If a person repents sincerely then Allaah will accept his repentance and forgive him his sins.

After mentioning shirk in the verse in which He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And those who invoke not any other ilaah (god) along with Allaah”

[al-Furqaan 25:68]

and stating that its people will abide forever in Hell, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for those, Allaah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allaah is Oft?Forgiving, Most Merciful”

[al-Furqaan 25:68-70]

Repentance from shirk means giving it up and submitting to Allaah alone, regretting one's neglect of Allaah’s rights and resolving never to go back to it. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief), their past will be forgiven”

[al-Anfaal 8:38]

“If they cease” means, give up their kufr, by submitting to Allaah alone with no partner or associate. Tafseer al-Sa’di.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam destroys that which came before it” – i.e., of sins. Narrated by Muslim 121.

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that the gate of repentance remains open so long at the death rattle has not reached a person’s throat. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah will accept His slave’s repentance so long as the death rattle has not yet reached his throat.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 3537; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1425.

Whoever commits major shirk that puts a person beyond the pale of Islam must repent sincerely from that, put his actions straight and correct his intention. It is also prescribed for him to do ghusl after repenting, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded Qays ibn ‘Aasim to do that when he became Muslim. (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhi and al-Nasaa’i; classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Sakan.

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 5/317

With regard to minor shirk, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned us against it, fearing that his ummah might fall into it. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The thing I fear most for you is minor shirk.” (Narrated by Ahmad, 23119. al-Albaani said in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (951): its isnaad is jayyid). And he said: “Shirk among you is more subtle than the sound of the footsteps of an ant on a rock. Shall I not tell you of something which, if you do it, it will take that away from you, both minor and major forms of it. Say: Allaahumma inni a’oodhu bika an ushrika bika wa ana a’lam wastaghfiruka lima laa a’lam (O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from associating anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for that of which I am unaware).”

Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2876.

Source ...

Tags :

Ahmad 23119, al-Albaani : al-Silsilah al-Saheehah 951, al-Anfaal 8:38, al-Furqaan 25:68-70, al-Tirmidhi 3537, Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah 5/317, Fath al-Majeed, greatest of sins, major shirk, minor shirk, Muslim 121, repent from shirk, repent sincerely, Saheeh al-Jaami’ 1425, Saheeh al-Jaami’ 2876

Mengapa Yahudi Bijak

Artikel daripada "Why the jews so smart" by Dr. Stephen Carr LEON.

Setelah berada 3 tahun di Israel kerana menjalani housemanship di beberapa hospital disana, ada beberapa perkara yang menarik dapat saya perhatikan untuk dijadikan tesis ini, iaitu "Mengapa Yahudi Bijak?". Memang tidak dapat dinafikan ramai cendikiawan berbangsa Yahudi, dari segala bidang, Engineering, muzik, saintis dan yang paling hebat ialah bidang perniagaan, di mana ia memang paling tersohor. Hampir 70% perniagaan di dunia dikuasai oleh kaum Yahudi, dari kosmetik, pakaian, pemakanan, senjata, perhotelan, perfileman di Hollywood dan sebagainya.

Ketika tahun kedua, akhir bulan December 1980 dan sedang saya menghitung hari untuk pulang ke California saya terfikir apakah sebabnya kaum Yahudi begitu pintar? Kenapa tuhan memberi kelebihan kepada mereka? Apakah ini suatu kebetulan? Atau olah manusia sendiri? Adakah bijak boleh dijana? Seperti kilang pengeluaran?

Maka saya pun tergerak membuat tesis untuk Phd saya, disamping kebaikan untuk umat sejagat dan dapat hidup secara harmoni. Untuk pengetahuan anda tesis yang saya lakukan ini mengambil masa hampir lapan tahun, ini kerana untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang setepat mungkin. Antara data-data yang saya kumpulkan ialah pemakanan, adat resam, ugama, persiapan awal untuk melahirkan zuriat dan sebagainya dan data data tadi saya cuba bandingkan dengan bangsa dan kaum-kaum lain.

Marilah kita mulakan dengan persiapan awal melahirkan zuriat. Di Israel, setelah mengetahui yang sang ibu sedang mengandung, perkara pertama saya perhatikan ialah, sang ibu akan sering menyanyi dan bermain piano dan si ibu dan bapa akan membeli buku metamatik dan menyelesaikan masalah matematik bersama suami, saya sungguh hairan kerana teman saya yang mengandung sering membawa buku metamatik dan bertanya kepada saya beberapa soalan yang beliau tak dapat menyelesaikanya, oleh kerana saya memang minat tentang matematik, tentu saja dengan senang saya membantu beliau. Saya bertanya kepada beliau, adakah ini untuk anak kamu? Beliau menjawab, "Ya, ini untuk anak saya yang masih di dalam kandungan, saya sedang melatih otak beliau, semoga ia menjadi genius apabila dewasa kelak" Perkara ini membuat saya tertarik untuk mengikut perkembangan beliau seterusnya. Berbalik kepada matematik tadi, tanpa merasa jenuh beliau membuat latihan matematik sehingga beliau melahirkan anak.

Seperkara lagi yang saya perhatikan ialah pemakanan beliau, sejak awal mengandung beliau gemar sekali memakan kacang badam dan korma bersama susu, dan untuk tengahhari makan utama beliau ialah roti dan ikan tanpa kepala bersama salad yang digaul dengan badam dan berbagai jenis kekacang, menurut beliau daging ikan sungguh baik untuk perkembangan otak dan kepala ikan mengandungi kimia yang tidak baik yang dapat merosakkan pengembangan dan penumbuhan otak anak di dalam kandungan. Menurut beliau ini adalah adat orang-orang yahudi ketika mengandung dan ianya menjadi semacam kewajipan untuk kaum ibu yang sedang mengandung mengambil pil minyak ikan.

Ketika saya diundang untuk makan malam bersama orang-orang Yahudi, perkara pertama yang saya perhatikan ialah menu mereka. Setiap undangan yang sama perhatikan ialah mereka gemar sekali memakan ikan (hanya isi atau fillet) dan biasanya daging tidak akan ada bersama di meja jika ada ikan, menurut mereka, campuran daging dan ikan tak elok dimakan bersama. Salad dan kacang adalah suatu kemestian, terutama badam.

Seperkara yang pelik ialah mereka akan memakan buah-buahan dahulu sebelum memakan hidangan utama. Jangan terperanjat jika anda di undang ke rumah Yahudi anda akan dihidangkan buah-buahan dahulu. Menurut mereka, dengan memakan hidangan karbohidrat (nasi atau roti) dahulu kemudian buah-buahan, ini akan menyebabkan kita merasa mengantuk dan lemah dan payah untuk memahami pelajaran di sekolah.

Di Israel, merokok adalah taboo, apabila anda di undang makan di rumah Yahudi, jangan sekali-kali merokok, dan tanpa malu mereka akan menyuruh anda keluar dari rumah mereka dan merokok di luar rumah mereka. Menurut saintis di Universiti Israel, siasatan menunjukkan nikotin dapat merosakkan sel utama pada otak manusia dan akan melekat pada genes, ini bermakna keturunan perokok bakal membawa generasi yang cacat otak (bodoh atau lembab). Ini dianggap suatu penemuan yang dahsyat ditemui oleh saintis yang mendalami bidang genes dan DNA.

Perhatian saya selanjutnya ialah melawati tadika mereka. Pemakanan anak-anak tadi cukup dikawal, makanan awal ialah buah-buahan bersama kacang badam, diikuti dengan menelan pil minyak ikan (code oil lever). Di dalam pengamatan saya, kanak Yahudi sungguh bijak dan rata-rata mereka memahami 3 bahasa iaitu Hebrew, Arab dan Inggeris dan sedari awal lagi mereka telah dilatih bermain piano dan violin, ini adalah suatu kewajipan. Menurut mereka bermain muzik dan memahami nota-notanya dapat meningkatkan lagi IQ kanak kanak dan sudah tentu bakal menjadikan budak itu bijak.

Ini menurut saintis Yahudi, gegaran muzik dapat stimulate (semacam senaman untuk otak) maka itu terdapat ramai sekali genius musik terdiri dari kaum Yahudi.

Seterusnya ke darjah 1 hingga 6, anak-anak Yahudi akan diajar matematik berkonsepkan perniagaan dan pelajaran sains amatlah diberi keutamaan. Di dalam perhatian peribadi saya, perbandingan dengan anak-anak di California, ianya jauh berbeza tentang IQ dan boleh saya katakan 6 tahun kebelakang!!!. Segala pelajaran akan dengan mudah di tangkap oleh anak Yahudi. Selain dari pelajaran tadi sukan juga menjadi kewajipan bagi mereka dan sukan yang diberi keutamaan ialah memanah, menembak dan berlari. Menurut teman saya ini, memanah dan menembak dapat melatih otak memfokus sesuatu perkara di samping mempermudahkan persiapan untuk perhidmatan negara.

Selanjutnya pemerhatian saya menuju ke sekolah tinggi (menengah). Di sini murid-murid ditekan dengan pelajaran mata sains dan mereka digalakkan mencipta produk, segala projek mereka walaupun kadangkala kelihatannya lucu dan mengarut, tetap diteliti dengan serius apatah lagi ianya berupa senjata, perubatan dan engineering, idea itu akan dibawa ke institute tinggi di Politeknik dan Universiti.

Satu lagi yang diberi keutamaan ialah fakulti perniagaan. Saya sungguh terperanjat melihat mereka begitu agresif dan seriusnya mereka tentang perniagaan. Di akhir tahun di universiti, para penuntut di bidang niaga dikehendaki melakukan projek dan mempraktikkannya dan anda hanya akan lulus jika kumpulan anda(10 pelajar setiap kumpulan) dapat keuntungan sebanyak $US1juta! Anda terperanjat? Itulah kenyataan, dengan rangkaian seluruh dunia dan ditaja sepenuhnya oleh syarikat milik Yahudi, maka tidak hairanlah mereka dapat menguasai ½ perniagaan di dunia! Siapakah yg mencipta design Levis yg terkini? Ianya dicipta di Universiti Israel oleh fakulti bisnes dan fesyen.

Pernahkah anda melihat cara orang Yahudi melakukan ibadah mereka? Salah satu caranya ialah dengan menggoyangkan kepala mereka, menurut mereka ini dapat mengaktifkan otak mereka dan menambahkan oksigen di kepala, banyak agama lain di Timur Tengah, seperti Islam juga ada menyuruh umatnya menunduk atau menggoyangkan kepala, ini guna dapat mensimulasikan otak kita supaya bertambah aktif. Lihat orang-orang Jepun, mereka sering menunduk nundukkan kepala dan ianya sebagai adat. Ramai orang-orang Jepun yg pandai? Adakah ianya sebagai kebetulan? Kegemaran mereka ialah sushi (ikan mentah). Adakah ini kebetulan? Fikirkanlah!

Berpusat di New York, Dewan perniagaan Yahudi bersedia membantu mereka yang berminat untuk melakukan bisnes (sudah tentu untuk Yahudi sahaja). Jika mereka ada idea yang bernas, jawatankuasa akan memberi pinjaman tanpa faedah dan pentadbir dari jawatankuasa tadi akan bekerjasama dengan anda untuk memastikan yang perniagaan mereka menurut landasan yang betul. Maka itu lahirlah Starbuck, Dell compter, Cocacola, DKNY, Oracle, Perfileman di Hollywood, Levis, Dunkin Donut dan ada beratus kedai ternama di bawah naungan dewan perniagaan Yahudi di New York. Graduan Yahudi dari fakulti perubatan New York akan disarankan untuk mendaftar di persatuan ini dan digalakkan memulakan klinik mereka sendiri dengan bantuan wang tanpa faedah, barulah saya tahu mengapa hospital di New York dan California sentiasa kekurangan doktor pakar.

Kesimpulanya, pada teori saya, melahirkan anak dan keturunan yang bijak boleh dilaksanakan dan tentunya bukan semalaman, ianya memerlukan masa, beberapa generasi mungkin? Persiapan awal adalah ketika si ibu mengandung, galakkanlah si ibu melakukan latihan metamatik yang mudah tetapi konsisten di samping mendengar muzik klasik. Seterusnya ubahlah cara pemakanan, makanlah makanan yang elok dan berhasiat yang baik untuk otak, menghayati musik sejak kecil adalah baik sekali untuk penumbuhan otak kanak-kanak, dengan bermain piano dan violin sudah tentu dapat melatih anak-anak mencerdaskan otak mereka demikian juga sukan yang memerlukan konsetrasi yang tinggi, seperti memanah, bola keranjang, dart dan menembak.

Merokok menjanjikan generasi yang moron (bodoh) dan sudah tentu genes bodoh akan mengikut ke generasi si perokok. Lawatan saya ke Singapore pada tahun 2005 amat memeranjatkan sekali, di sini perokok seperti dianaktirikan dan begitu susah sekali untuk perokok dan anda tahu berapa harga sekotak rokok? US$7 !!! ini bersamaan perbelanjaan sehari untuk makan anda!! Saya puji sekali sikap pemerintah Singapore dan menakjubkan sekali!!! dan seperti Israel ianya begitu taboo dan cara pentadbiran dan segi pembelajaran mereka hampir serupa dengan Israel, maka itu saya lihat banyak institusi pelajaran mereka bertaraf dunia walaupun hakikatnya negeri Singapore hanyalah sebuah pulau sebesar Manhattan!!

Anda mungkin muyskil, benarkah merokok dapat melahirkan generasi bodoh, saya telah menemui beberapa bukti menyokong teori ini. Lihat saja Indonesia, jika anda ke Jakarta, di mana saja anda berada, dari restoran, teater, kebun bunga hingga ke muzium hidung anda akan segera terbau asak rokok! Dan harga rokok? Cuma US$ .70cts !!! dan hasilnya? Dengan penduduknya berjumlah jutaan orang berapa banyakkah universiti terdapat disana? Hasil apakah yang dapat dibanggakan? Teknologi? Jauh sekali. Adakah mereka dapat berbahasa selain dari bahasa mereka sendiri? Mengapa mereka begitu sukar sekali menguasai bahasa Inggeris? Di tangga berapakah kedudukan mereka di pertandingan metamatik sedunia? Adakah ini bukan akibat merokok? Anda fikirlah sendiri.

Di tesis saya ini, saya tidak akan menimbulkan soal ugama atau bangsa, adakah Yahudi itu zalim sehingga diusir dari semenjak zaman Firaun hingga ke Hitler, bagi saya itu isu politik dan survival, yang ingin saya ketengahkan ialah, mampukah kita dapat melahirkan jenerasi yang bijak? Jawapannya ialah mungkin dan tidak mustahil dan ianya memerlukan perubahan, dari segi pemakanan dan cara mendidik anak dan saya kira hanya memerlukan 3 generasi sahaja. Ini dapat saya lihat sendiri tentang cucu saya, ini setelah saya mengajar anak saya melalui program yang telah saya nyatakan di atas tadi, pada umur 9 tahun (cucu saya) dia dapat menulis esei sepanjang 5 mukasurat penuh. Eseinya hanyalah mengenai 'Mengapa saya gemarkan tomato'!

Selamat sejahtera dan semoga kita dapat melahirkan manusia yang bijak dan bersifat mulia untuk kebaikan manusia sejagat tanpa mengenal batasan bangsa.

Tags :

bantuan wang tanpa faedah, campuran daging dan ikan, cendikiawan bangsa Yahudi, daging ikan, generasi yang cacat otak, ikan mentah, ikan tanpa kepala, kacang badam, kepala ikan, keturunan perokok, keturunan yang bijak, korma, makanan awal, matematik berkonsepkan perniagaan, melahirkan anak, melahirkan jenerasi yang bijak, melahirkan zuriat, melatih otak, memahami 3 bahasa, memahami pelajaran, memakan buah-buahan dahulu, menambahkan oksigen, mencerdaskan otak, mencipta produk, mengaktifkan otak, mengapa Yahudi bijak, menggoyangkan kepala, meningkatkan IQ, menyelesaikan masalah matematik, merasa mengantuk, merokok adalah taboo, merokok di luar rumah, nikotin, nikotin melekat pada genes, nikotin merosakkan sel otak, perkembangan otak, persiapan awal, piano dan violin, pil minyak ikan, salad dan kacang, susu

Kind and Love Towards a Children

The Holy Prophet (Peace be on him) was very kind to children and love them. He would stroke their heads out of love and would pray for their good in life. Whenever the children came near to him he would pick them up in his arms and fondle them with great love. Sometimes he would bring out his tongue before the child and the child would become cheerful and laugh. If he was lying down, he would make a child sit on the soles of his feet or on his chest. If several children were there, he would make them fall in a row and would himself sit stretching out his arms and would say, "Run up to me, who touches me first, will get a prize." The children would come running to him. Some would fall on his chest, some would fall on his belly. He would embrace them and kiss them.

[Khasail Nabawi]

Whenever the Holy Prophet passed by children, he would salute them, put his hands on their heads and pick up the small ones in his arms. On seeing a mother loving her baby, he would be deeply affected. When discussing mother's love he would say,
"whomsoever Allah favours with children and he loves them as also fulfills his obligations towards them, then he would remain safe from the hell fire."
If while returning from a journey, the Holy Prophet (Peace be on him) met children on the way, he would pick them up affectionately and get them seated before or behind himself on his mount. Children also loved him much. No sooner than they saw him, they would run up to him. He would pick up each one of them, kiss him and give him something like dates or fresh fruits or some other nice thing to eat. If the baby of a woman saying prayer in his leadership started crying he would shorten the prayer in order to relieve the mother from her distraction.
[Khasail Nabawi]
Source : The Life and the Teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) by Maulana Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hai, B.A. LL.B (ALIG) and Maulana Ashraf Ali Tanwi, pg. 95 - 96.

Tags :

adab imam, adab mengimami solat, adab of leading a solat, affection towards a children, Allah favours, children, distraction in solat, embrace a children, fulfilling their obligations, Khasail Nabawi, kind to children, kiss a children, leading of solat, love a children, love and affection, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Muhammad Abdul Hai, obligations towards children, relieve from distraction in solat, safe from the hell fire, salute a children, shorten a prayer, shorten the prayer

Hadith - Setiap Perkataan Akan Dipersoal

Dari Hasan rahmatullah 'alaih meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda:

"Jika seseorang hamba berucap, maka Allah S.W.T. pasti akan menyoalnya tentang ucapannya itu, bahawa apakah niat dan tujuan ucapannya itu."
Ja'far rahmatullah 'alaih berkata: Hadrat Malik bin Dinar rahmatullah 'alaih bilamana menceritakan hadith ini, maka dia akan menangis sehingga terputus-putus suaranya. Kemudian dia akan berkata: Orang menyangka bahawa dengan menceritakan hadith ini mata aku akan sejuk. Yakni aku akan gembira dengan menceritakan hadith ini. Aku tahu Allah S.W.T. pasti akan menyoalku: Apakah tujuan dan niat kamu dalam menceritakan hadith ini.


Tags :

Baihaqi, fitnah, Hasan, Ja’far, Malik bin Dinar, umpat

Sebab Kencing Bayi Lelaki Menjadi Najis Mukhaffafah

Syariat telah membezakan air kencing bayi lelaki dan bayi perempuan bukanlah kerana diskriminasi gender namun ianya adalah ftrah semula jadi yang terkandung hikmah.

Antaranya :-

a) Kencing bayi lelaki pada umumnya lebih cair (tidak pekat) dari kencing bayi perempuan.

b) Bayi lelaki biasanya lebih banyak ingin didukong berbanding dengan bayi perempuan

c) Asal kejadian lelaki dari air dan tanah basah (Adam) manakala perempuan dari daging dan darah (Hawa)

d) Umur baligh bagi anak lelaki dengan air suci (air mani). Manakala umur baligh anak perempuan dengan air suci (air mani) dan juga air najis (darah haid).

Atas sebab-sebab di atas maka syariat telah menentukan bahawa air kencing bayi lelaki tergulong di dalam ketegori Najis Ringan.

(Al-Bajuri : 1/103 dan As-Syarqawi : 1/129)

Sumber :

Ceramah - Maulana Ehsan

Manusia hidup di dunia bukan untuk tinggal tetapi untuk pergi. Tidak ada seorang pun yang akan tinggal di dunia. Manusia sebenarnya berpindah dari satu alam ke satu alam yang lain. Dari alam rahim ibu ke alam dunia dan seterusnya ke alam kubur. Di alam kubur mereka akan menunggu sehingga 50,000 tahun hingga hari kiamat.

Keadaan manusia selepas mati berbeza-beza. Ada setengahnya mendapat kenikmatan dan ada yang menerima azab yang sangat pedih. Bagi orang yang hidup di dunia tanpa mengindahkan perintah Allah, mereka menerima azab yang tidak terperi. Bagi orang yang di dunia ini menundukkan hawa nafsunya dan mengikut perintah Allah, maka Allah akan 'ikram' kepada mereka dengan kehidupan yang penuh kenikmatan sehingga manusia tidak boleh mengira nikmat-nikmat Allah. Allah berfirman yang maksudnya,
"Wahai hambaKu, rasailah nikmat-nikmat Aku. Hamba-hamba itu berkata, 'apa lagi nikmat yang hendak Kamu beri ya Allah, di sisi kami masih banyak lagi nikmat-nikmat untuk kami."
Sumber : Petikan dari Bayan Asar oleh Maulana Ehsan

Tags :

azab, azab yang pedih, bayan, berpindah alam, ceramah, dunia ke kubur, hidup dalam kubur, ikram, ikut nafsu, ikut perintah Allah, keadaan selepas mati, kira nikmat Allah, kubur 50000 tahun, maksud hidup, Maulana Ehsan, mengikut perintah Allah, menundukkan hawa nafsu, menunggu 50000 tahun, nikmat, penuh kenikmatan, rahim ke dunia, tekan nafsu, tujuan hidup, tunggu dalam kubur

Hadith - The virtues of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

Hadhrat Umar (R.A) narrated that the dear Prophet (saw) said,

"When Hadhrat Adam (A.S) committed the original sin he prayed to Allah 'In the name of Muhammad (saw), please forgive me'. Allah asked, ' And how do you know Muhammad (saw)?' Adam replied, 'Because when You created me with Your own hands, and blew Your Ruh into me, I looked up at the pillars of the Arsh (throne) and I saw 'La illaha illallah Muhammad ur Rasool Allah' written there. And I knew that you would not couple your name with anyone except the most beloved of Your creation.' Allah replied, 'O Adam, you are correct. For if it wasn't for Muhammad (saw) I would not have created you'."
[Hakim, Baihaqi and at-Tabaraani, Abu Naeem, and Ibn Asaakir]

Tags :

Abu Naeem, Adam, Arsh, at-Tabaraani, Baihaqi, Hakim, Ibn Asaakir, Muhammad, original sin, pillars of the Arsh, Ruh, sin, throne, Umar, virtues of Prophet Muhammad

Hadith - Kelebihan Orang Miskin Daripada Orang Kaya

Dari Jabir bin Abdullah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,
"Seorang muslim yang fakir akan memasuki syurga empat puluh tahun terlebih dahulu daripada seorang muslim yang kaya."
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,
"Orang-orang fakir akan memasuki syurga terlebih dahulu daripada orang-orang kaya dengan kadar setengah hari. Dan setengah hari bersamaan lima ratus tahun."
Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.huma. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,
"Pada hari kiamat kelak akan dihimpunkan sekalian manusia dan akan diseru kepada mereka: Dimanakah orang-orang fakir dan miskin di kalangan umat ini? Nabi bersabda: Mereka semua akan bangun dan dikatakan kepada mereka: Apakah yang engkau amalkan? Mereka akan menjawab: Wahai Allah! Engkau telah menguji kami (dengan kemiskinan) namun kami tetap bersabar. Engkau telah memberikan harta dan pemerintahan kepada orang selain daripada kami. Allah berfirman: Kamu bercakap benar! Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: Lantas mereka dimasukkan ke dalam syurga terlebih dahulu daripada orang lain. Dan tinggallah mereka dengan penghisaban yang keras di kalangan orang-orang yang kaya dan para pemerintah."
[Ibnu Hibban]

Tags :

500 tahun, Abdullah bin Umar, Abu Hurairah, At-Tirmidhi, bersabar, fakir, harta, harta dihisab, hisab yang keras, Ibnu Hibban, Jabir bin Abdullah, kaya, kemiskinan, kiamat, lima ratus tahun, masuk syurga dahulu, memasuki syurga awal, Muslim, muslim yang fakir, muslim yang kaya, orang fakir, orang kaya, orang kaya dihisab, para pemerintah, pemerintahan, penghisaban keras, penghisaban yang keras, peringatan untuk si kaya, setengah hari, skim cepat kaya, syurga, tetap bersabar, ujian kemiskinan

Hadith - Kedudukan Seorang Muslim

Dari Aishah r.ha. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. memerintahkan kami supaya melayani orang mengikut kedudukan mereka.


Dari Ibnu Abbas r.huma. meriwayatkan bahawa satu ketika baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. melihat ke arah ka'abah lantas bersabda,
"(Dengan rasa takjub) Lailaha illallah. (Wahai Ka'abah!) Betapa sucinya engkau! Betapa wanginya bauanmu, dan betapa tingginya kehormatanmu (tetapi) kehormatan seorang mukmin adalah lebih tinggi daripada kehormatanmu. Sesungguhnya Allah menjadikanmu dengan penuh kehormatan, (begitu juga) dengan harta seorang mukmin, darahnya dan kehormatannya yang tinggi dan patut dimuliakan. (Oleh kerana itu) maka haram seseorang itu bersangka buruk kepada seorang muslim yang lain."

Hadith berkaitan :

Tags :

Aishah, at-Tobarani, berani mati, bersangka buruk, caci-maki sesama umat, darah seorang mukmin, haram, harta seorang mukmin, Ibnu Abbas, ka’abah, kedudukan, Kedudukan seorang Islam, kehormatan, kehormatan seorang mukmin, melayani orang, membunuh, membunuh seorang mukmin, memfitnah seorang mukmin, mencaci sesama muslim, mencaci sesama sendiri, menghina sesama seagama, mengumpat, mengumpat seorang mukmin, mengutuk seorang mukmin, mengutuk seorang muslim, mercerca sesama muslim, mulia, Muslim, parti politik

Hadith - Kesusahan dan Kesabaran Rasulullah s.a.w. Berdakwah_Fortitude and Perseverance

Dari Anas r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,

"Kerana (mendakwahkan) agama, aku telah ditakut-takutkan yang mana tidak ada seorang pun yang ditakut-takutkan seperti itu, dan aku telah disakiti hingga tiada siapa yang disakiti seperti ini. Telah berlalu tiga puluh malam dan tiga puluh siang berturut-turut dalam keadaan tidak ada makanan sedikit pun yang boleh dimakan oleh benda bernyawa kecuali kadar yang boleh disembunyikan oleh ketiak Bilal. Yakni kadar yang terlalu sedikit."
Anas (Allah be pleased with him) has related that the Holy Prophet (Peace be on him) said,
"In the Path of Allah I have been daunted and threatened more than any one else, and also I have been tortured more than any one else. Once I had to pass thirty days and nights in such dreadful want that Bilal and I had nothing that any living being would eat, except what little Bilal had kept hidden under his arm."
[Ma'ariful-Hadis, Shama'il Tirmidhi]

Tags :

Anas, At-Tirmidhi, Bilal, dakwah, daunted, disakiti, ditakut-takutkan, dreadful want, Fortitude, Kesabaran, Kesabaran Rasulullah, Kesusahan, Kesusahan Rasulullah, ketiak Bilal, Ma’ariful-Hadis, Path of Allah, Perseverance, realiti da’awah Rasulullah, reality in da’awah, Shama’il Tirmidhi, terlalu sedikit, thirty days, thirty nights, threatened, tidak ada makanan, tiga puluh malam, tiga puluh siang, tortured

Hadith - 10 Wasiat Rasulullah s.a.w. kepada (to) Mu'az bin Jabal

Mu'az bin Jabal berkata,

"Rasulullah s.a.w. telah mewasiatkan kepada saya mengenai sepuluh perkara. (1)Jangan menyengutukan Allah dengan sesuatu apapun walaupun kamu akan dibunuh atau dibakar. (2)Jangan kamu menderhakai kedua-dua ibu bapa kamu meskipun mereka menyuruh kamu berpisah dengan isteri dan harta-benda kamu. (3)Janganlah kamu meninggalkan solah fardhu dengan sengaja kerana sesungguhnya sesiapa yang meninggalkan solah dengan sengaja maka dia terlepas daripada tanggungjawab Allah S.W.T. (4)Jangan sekali-kali minun arak kerana perbuatan ini adalah punca segala maksiat. (5)Jauhilah diri kamu daripada perbuatan maksiat kerana perbuatan ini akan menyebabkan kemurkaan Allah S.W.T. (6)Jangan lari dari medan pertempuran walaupun semua rakan kamu telah terbunuh. (7)Jangan berpindah dari tempat berlakunya kematian akibat wabak yang sedang merebak seperti taun dan sebagainya. (8)Belanjalah untuk keluarga kamu mengikut kemampuan kamu. (9)Jangan kamu mengelak daripada merotani anak-anak sebagai amaran supaya mereka berakhlak baik. (10)Takutkan mereka (anak-anak) kepada Allah S.W.T."
[Ahmad dan at-Tabaraani]
Rasulullah s.a.w. juga pernah bersabda,
"Tidak ada sesuatu pemberian hadiah yang lebih baik daripada seorang bapa kepada anaknya melainkan mengajar budi pekerti yang baik kepada mereka."
Ma'az bin Jabal (Radhiallaho anho) narrates:
"The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wassallam) enjoined upon me ten things, viz, 'Do not ascribe anything as partner to Allah, though you may be slain or burnt alive; do not disobey your parents, though you may have to part with your wife or your entire wealth; do not neglect Fardh Salaat intentionally, for Allah is free from obligation to a person who neglects Fardh Solaat intentionally; do not take wine, for it is the root of every vise; do not commit disobedience of Allah, for that brings the warth of Allah. Do not turn your back to the enemy in battle, though all your comrades may have fallen. Do not fly from the locality where an epidemic has broken out. Do spend on your family members according to your capicity; let your stick be hanging over them, as a warning and to chastise them against neglect of their duties towards Allah."
[Ahmad and at-Tobarani]
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wassallam) said,
"No father can bestow anything better on his children than to teach them good manners."

Tags :

10 wasiat Rasulullah, Ahmad, amaran supaya berakhlak, at-Tabaraani, battle, Belanja untuk keluarga, berakhlak baik, berpisah dengan isteri, bestow, budi pekerti, burnt alive, chastise, commit disobedience of Allah, comrades, dibakar, dibunuh, disobey your parents, enemy, epidemic, epidemic has broken out, free from obligation, good manners, hadiah, hadiah yang baik, hanging stick, harta-benda, Jangan berpindah, Jangan minun arak, Jauhi perbuatan maksiat, kematian akibat wabak, Kemurkaan Allah, lari dari medan, lari dari pertempuran, Ma’az bin Jabal, menderhakai kedua ibubapa, mengajar budi pekerti, mengikut kemampuan, meninggalkan solah fardhu, menyengutukan Allah, merotani anak-anak, Mu’az bin Jabal, neglect Fardh Salaat, neglect of duties, neglect salaat intentionally, part with wealth, part with wife, partner to Allah, punca segala maksiat, rakan kamu terbunuh, root of every vise, sengaja meninggalkan solah, sepuluh perkara, slain, spend on your family, stick, take wine, Takut kepada Allah, takutkan Allah, tanggungjawab Allah, taun, ten things, turn your back, warning, warth of Allah, wasiat, wasiat kepada Mu’az

Logiknya Solat dalam Sudut Pandangan Sains

Seorang professor fizik di Amerika Syarikat telah membuat satu kajian tentang kelebihan solat berjemaah yang disyariatkan dalam Islam. Katanya tubuh badan kita mengandungi dua cas elektrik iatu cas positif dan cas negatif. Dalam aktiviti harian kita sama ada bekerja, beriadah atau berehat, sudah tentu banyak tenaga digunakan.

Dalam proses pembakaran tenaga, banyak berlaku pertukaran cas positif dan cas negatif, yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan dalam tubuh kita. Ketidakseimbangan cas dalam badan menyebabkan kita rasa letih dan lesu setelah menjalankan aktiviti seharian. Oleh itu cas-cas ini perlu diseimbangkan semula untuk mengembalikan kesegaran tubuh ke tahap normal.

Berkaitan dengan solat berjemaah, timbul persoalan di minda professor ini mengapa Islam mensyariatkan solat berjemah dan mengapa solat lima waktu yang didirikan orang Islam mempunyai bilangan rakaat yang tidak sama. Hasil kajiannya mendapati bilangan rakaat yang berbeza dalam solat kita bertindak menyeimbangkan cas-cas dalam badan kita.

Semasa kita solat berjemaah, kita disuruh meluruskan saf, bahu bertemu bahu dan bersentuhan tapak kaki. Tindakan-tindakan yang dianjurkan semasa solat berjemaah itu mempunyai berbagai kelebihan. Kajian sains mendapati sentuhan yang berlaku antara tubuh kita dengan tubuh ahli jemaah lain yang berada di kiri dan kanan kita akan menstabilkan kembali cas-cas yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Ia berlaku apabila cas yang berlebihan - sama ada negatif atau positif akan dikeluarkan, manakala yang berkurangan akan ditarik ke dalam kita. Semakin lama pergeseran ini berlaku, semakin seimbang cas dalam tubuh kita.

Menurut beliau lagi, setiap kali kita bangun dari tidur, badan kita akan merasa segar dan sihat setelah berehat berapa jam. Ketika ini tubuh kita mengandungi cas-cas positif dan negatif yang hampir seimbang. Oleh itu, kita hanya memerlukan sedikit lagi proses pertukaran cas agar keseimbangan penuh dapat dicapai. Sebab itu, solat Subuh didirikan 2 rakaat.

Seterusnya, setelah sehari kita bekerja kuat dan memerah otak semua cas ini kembali tidak stabil akibat kehilangan cas lebih banyak daripada tubuh. Oleh itu, kita memerlukan lebih banyak pertukaran cas. Solat jemaah yang disyariatkan Islam berperanan untuk memulihkan keseimbangan cas-cas berkenaan. Sebab itu, solat Zohor didirikan 4 rakaat untuk memberi ruang yang lebih kepada proses pertukaran cas dalam tubuh.

Situasi yang sama turut berlaku di sebelah petang. Banyak tenaga dikeluarkan ketika menyambung kembali tugas. Ini menyebabkan sekali lagi kita kehilangan cas yang banyak. Seperti mana solat Zohor, 4 rakaat solat Asar yang dikerjakan akan memberikan ruang kepada proses pertukaran cas dengan lebih lama.

Lazimnya, selepas waktu Asar dan pulang dari kerja kita tidak lagi melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti yang banyak menggunakan tenaga. Masa yang diperuntukkan pula tidak begitu lama. Maka, solat Maghrib hanya dikerjakan sebanyak 3 rakaat adalah lebih sesuai dengan penggunaan tenaga yang kurang berbanding 2 waktu sebelumnya.

Timbul persoalan di fikiran professor itu tentang solat Isyak yang mengandungi 4 rakaat. Logiknya, pada waktu malam kita tidak banyak melakukan aktiviti dan sudah tentu tidak memerlukan proses pertukaran cas yang banyak. Setelah kajian lanjut, didapati terdapat keistimewaan mengapa Allah mensyariatkan 4 rakaat dalam solat Isyak. Kita sedia maklum, umat Islam amat digalakkan untuk tidur awal agar mampu bangun menunaikan tahajjud di sepertiga malam. Ringkasnya, solat Isyak sebanyak 4 rakaat itu akan menstabilkan cas dalam badan serta memberikan tenaga untuk kita bangun malam (qiamullail).

Dalam kajiannya, professor ini mendapati bahawa Islam adalah satu agama yang lengkap dan istimewa. Segala amalan dan suruhan Allah Taala itu mempunyai hikmah yang tersirat untuk kebaikan umat Islam itu sendiri. Beliau merasakan betapa kerdilnya diri dan betapa hebatnya Pencipta alam ini. Akhirnya, dengan hidayah Allah beliau memeluk agama Islam.

Sekian untuk renungan kita bersama,petikan dari:
Sumber :

Tags :

2 rakaat, 3 rakaat, 4 rakaat, agama yang lengkap, aktiviti seharian, Amerika Syarikat, Asar, bahu bertemu bahu, bangun, bangun dari tidur, bangun malam, bekerja, berehat, beriadah, bersentuhan tapak kaki, cas elektrik, cas negatif, cas positif, fizik, Isyak, kelebihan, kesegaran tubuh, Ketidakseimbangan cas, ketidakseimbangan dalam tubuh, lesu, letih, Maghrib, meluruskan saf, memberikan tenaga, memerah otak, memulihkan keseimbangan cas, menstabilkan cas, menyeimbangkan cas, pembakaran tenaga, pergeseran, pertukaran cas, qiamullail, rakaat, riadah, saf, segar, sepertiga malam, sihat, solat, solat berjemaah, solat lima waktu, Subuh, tahajjud, tahap normal, tidur, Zohor

Hadith - Kebaikan Yang Boleh Dilakukan Setelah Kematian Bapa

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a.huma berkata, aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

"Kebaikan yang paling besar selepas kematian bapa, ialah berbuat baik kepada orang yang ada hubungan dengan bapanya."

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a.huma berkata, aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Barangsiapa yang mahu supaya menjalin hubungan silaturrahmi dengan bapanya yang telah berapa di dalam kubur, hendaklah dia menghubungi saudara-mara bapanya dengan baik selepas kematiannya."
[Ibnu Hibban]

Tags :

Abdullah bin Umar, Ibnu Hibban, kematian bapa, kubur, Muslim, Saudara-mara, saudara-mara bapa, Silaturrahmi

Hadith - Keredhaan Bapa dan Pintu Syurga Paling Baik

Dari Abu Darda r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

"Bapa ialah di antara pintu-pintu syurga yang paling baik sekali. Bagimu terdapat pilihan samada kamu (menderhakainya dan kamu) merosakkan pintu tersebut atau (kamu mentaati dan menyukakannya), kamu telah menjaga pintu tersebut."

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a.huma meriwayatkan bahawa nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
"Keredhaan Allah ialah di dalam keredhaan bapa, dan kemurkaan Allah ialah di dalam kemarahan bapa."

Tags :

Abdullah bin Umar, Abu Darda, At-Tirmidhi, bapa, kemarahan bapa, Kemurkaan Allah, keredhaan Allah, keredhaan bapa, menderhakai bapa, mentaati bapa, merosakkan pintu, pintu syurga

Hazrat Maulana Ilyas (ra), Tablighi Jama'ah, and the 'Ulama

By Maulana Muhammad Aslam Shaikhupuri (db)

It was an ache that it distressed him all the time; he couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep. was a worry that had engulfed all other worries; it was a topic, the explanation and elucidation of which took up all energies of his tongue and pen to the extent that writing on any other subject was a trial for him. He had written to Shaykh al-Hadith Maulana Zakariyya (ra), "My heartfelt desire is that at least my brain, thought, time, and energy should be limited to nothing but this work." He used to say, "How can any other occupation be lawful for me when I see that the soul of Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) is distressed (because of the weakness of the Muslims' faith and the supremacy of kufr)?" One day an attendant complained that he saw a lack of attention and affection in his behavior as previously compared. He replied, "I am very busy; I feel that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) is in distress; I cannot pay attention to anything else."

He did not attend gatherings where there was little chance of putting forward his message; he disliked going for the sake of an obligation only. He used to say, "If you go to a place, go with your message and put it forward, keep your invitation above anything."

Once in Delhi, he had to perforce attend a wedding ceremony of an acquaintance. He addressed the gathering at the wedding thus, "Today is the happiest of days for you when even the lowliest is pleased; it is not done to displease even the sweeperess………tell me! Do you have any concern of pleasing Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam)?" then he explained that the endeavor to revive the Deen brought by Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) was the greatest way to please him (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam).

This fine references are of the founder of the Tablighi Jama'ah, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (Noorullah Marqadahu), who adored calling to the Faith to such extent that all other sensory pleasures and opinions were dimmed before them; this spiritual pleasure had become sensory and natural for him.

Once, Maulana had defined Ishq (adoration) as such: "The pleasures and interests of man that are divided between so many things come out and converge at one point. This is Ishq." This definition was personified in the Maulana himself. He used to sob and cry on the departure of the Ummah from its Deen. Sometimes he used to writhe in pain, sigh, sob, and complain, "O Allah! What else should I do? I am not doing enough." Sometimes he used to turn agonizingly on his bed, then get up and pace the room. One night his wife at last asked him, "What is the matter? Can you not sleep?" he answered, "What can I tell you? If you get to know what I do then the waking ones will become two."

The result of this heart ache and dedication to his aim was that in just a few years, the ache that had bothered one breast caught fire in hundreds. The Mewatis who had become half Hindu despite being called Muslims, who celebrated many of the Hindu festivals, whose villages rarely had a mosque in them, who even used to kill their newborns; suddenly, little beacons of light sprung up in the same Mewati dwellings. Mosques were built, religious schools and Madaaris mushroomed, the number of Huffaz exceeded hundreds, and there was a good number of qualified 'Ulama. The birth of the love of Imaan extinguished the following of kufr. The customs and traditions that had come to be a way of life for them began to be eradicated. An experienced Mewati explained this in a very clear manner when he was asked what was happening in his area. He said, "I don't know anything else; what I do know is some things for which we used to strive and they did not happen, are happening on their own; some things which we tried to stop with battles and great endeavor and did not stop, are being stopped on their own."

Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (ra) had a keen concern that if the 'Ulama did not overlook the preaching and this task was left to the common man alone, it would develop lots of flaws. His wish was for the educated 'Ulama to take an interest in this task and use their God gifted talents for the propagation of this work. Because most of his life Maulana had been associated to learning, he knew intimately the pursuits of the Madaaris, its teachers, and students. He wanted them to join hands with this work of calling to God but he also wanted a way out that would help those of the Madaaris in their learning but not interfere with it. He writes, "Deen can progress and develop according to the progress and development of learning, and under the progress and development of learning. It would be the greatest of losses if my movement caused any set back to learning. I do not mean by Tabligh to prevent or hurt progress towards learning…"

He used to council the groups going in the way of Allah for Tabligh to sit and learn from the gatherings of elders with the intention of improving oneself, and never to mention their own work in their presence. If the elders asked anything of their own accord, well and good; otherwise they were to keep silent. He wrote to Shaykh al-Hadith Maulana Zakariyya (ra), "I have an old wish, that these groups benefit from the Khanqahs, keeping to all the manners of Khanqahs, and that the missionary work be done in particular timings in surrounding villages. (Please) make a plan concerning this after council with the coming groups. This humble person is also overwhelmed with the wish to attend with some companions; I am also thinking of Deoband and Thana Bhawan."

Hakim al-Ummah, Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali at-Thanwi (ra) was of the opinion that when 'Ulama educated for eight to ten years failed to solve some matters when on mission work, what would the ignorant Mewatis do without any formal education and training? His cautious and farsighted nature was unsatisfied and he feared some harm would come out of it. But when he received continuous news that the groups were working under supervision of the 'Ulama and getting guidance from them, and that they did not mention anything for which they were not allowed, he became satisfied.

The founder of the Jama'ah always tried to link the workers of Tabligh to the 'Ulama. He used to stress the importance of 'Ulama, the need to benefit from them, the rewards of meeting them, and used to teach the manners of talking to them. He used to educate the workers to take the best possible explanation of things they did not understand and keep their faith in the scholars. The results of this effort became apparent when those big businessmen who were against the 'Ulama started attending their gatherings with respect and reverence and invited them for discourses to their congregations. They did not have the condition that only those 'Ulama would give talks who had spent time in the Jama'ah; all authentic and righteous 'Ulama were invited.

The connection of Shaykh al-Islam Maulana Husain Ahmad al-Madani (ra) with politics was no secret, but he often gave discourses in gatherings although he had not spent any formal time in the Jama'ah. Shaykh Maulana Abul Hasan Ali an-Nadwi (ra), who was the heart and soul of Nadwah al-Ulama - and who is unaware of the barrier between the Nadwah and the rest of the Madaaris because of its special ambiance and isolation of some of its founders - his dealing with the founder of the Jama'ah was totally different. Hazrat Maulana Ilyas (ra) respected and loved all 'Ulama and so he did Maulana Abul Hasan Ali an-Nadwi (ra), and gave importance to his advise.

One day Maulana Abul Hasan Ali an-Nadwi (ra) said that although the Nadwah had always extended an affectionate hand towards the people of Deen, they had seldom had a positive response. Thank God that he, Maulana Ilyas (ra), had been loving towards them. Tears ran down Maulana's face and he said, "What are you saying? Your Jama'ah is that of Deen; I am not in favour of leaving out even the people from Aligarh." Besides Maulana Abul Hasan Ali an-Nadwi (ra), Hazrat Maulana Manzoor Ahmad Nu'mani (ra) was also among Maulana's close associates. Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir Raipuri (ra) was also a frequent visitor.

Not even a blind person can deny the fruit born by the whole world seems in a stir by its blessing, millions of people have been reformed by joining it; but despite all this, there is a need for guidance from the 'Ulama at each step. God forbid, if a rift is created between the Jama'ah and the 'Ulama, and the 'Ulama are made to follow the Jama'ah instead of the other way round, it will have grave results for the religious circles.

Original article is entitled Tablighi Jamat and the Ulama.
Courtesy of

Source : at-Talib

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‘Ulama, adoration, Aligarh, authentic, Biography of Maulana Ilyas, calling to the Faith, celebrated Hindu festivals, common man, dedication, Deen, Delhi, Deoband, flaws, gatherings of elders, God gifted talents, Hakim al-Ummah, half Hindu, heart ache, Hindu, Hindu festivals, Huffaz, Imaan, improving oneself, Khanqahs, kill their newborns, Madaaris mushroomed, Maulana Abdul Qadir Raipuri, Maulana Abul Hasan Ali an-Nadwi, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Maulana Husain Ahmad al-Madani, Maulana Manzoor Ahmad Nu’mani, Maulana Muhammad Aslam Shaikhupuri, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya, Mewatis, Muslim, Nadwah al-Ulama, pleasing Rasulullah, Rasulullah s.a.w., religious schools, revive the Deen, righteous, Shaikh al-Hadith, Tabligh, Tablighi Jama’ah, Thana Bhawan, the soul of Rasulullah, the supremacy of kufr, weakness of the Muslim

Your Desires will End When You're Dead by Abdur Raheem Green

Friday, January 14, 2011

When should a girl observe hijab

My question is if a female child has began to grow body hair is she required by sharee'ah to observe full hijab?

Praise be to Allaah.

A person is not considered to be accountable until after reaching puberty. Before puberty he or she is not accountable, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“The Pen has been lifted from three: from the child until he reaches puberty, from the sleeper until he wakes up, and from the one who has lost his mind until he recovers.”
[Abu Dawood 4402]. Based on this, then a girl has to put on complete hijab when she reaches puberty.

There are three signs of puberty that males and females have in common:

1 – Nocturnal emissions (wet dreams)

2 – Growth of coarse hairs around the private parts

3 – Reaching the age of fifteen

In the case of females there is a fourth sign, which is:

4 – Menstruation

If one of these signs of puberty appears in a girl, then she is obliged to do all the obligatory duties and to avoid all haraam things. One of the obligatory duties is wearing hijab.

But the parent or guardian of a girl has to make her get used to doing the obligatory duties and avoiding haraam things before puberty, so that she will grow up with that and it will not be too hard for her to adhere to that after she reaches puberty. This is one of the basic principles of child rearing that are established in sharee’ah.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Train your children to pray when they are seven years old, and smack them if they do not do so when they are ten, and separate them in their beds.”
[Abu Dawood 495; Ahmad 2/187, from the hadeeth of ‘Amr ibn Shu’ayb, narrated from his father from his grandfather.]

Something similar was mentioned in the hadeeth of Saburah ibn Ma’bad which was narrated by Abu Dawood (494) and al-Tirmidhi (407). He said, it is hasan saheeh. The hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Irwa’, 247.

Al-Bukhaari (1960) and Muslim (91136) narrated in their saheehs from al-Rubayyi’ bint Mu’awwidh the hadeeth concerning the fast of ‘Ashoora' and when it was enjoined on the Muslims. In this hadeeth it says:
“And after that we used to fast it – meaning ‘Ashoora – and make our small children fast, and we would go to the mosque and make them toys out of wool, and if one of them cried for food we would give them that toy (to play with) until iftaar.”
According to a report narrated by Muslim: If they asked us for food, we would give them the toy to distract them until they completed their fast.

Al-Nawawi said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim (8/14): This hadeeth describes training children to do acts of obedience and making them get used to doing acts of worship, but they were not accountable.

Ibn al-Qayyim said in Tuhfat al-Mawdood bi Ahkaam al-Mawlood (p. 162): “Even though the child is not accountable, his guardian is accountable and it is not permissible for him to enable him to do haraam things, so that he becomes used to them and it is difficult to wean him away from them afterwards.”

And Allaah knows best and is most wise.

So if a girl is approaching puberty, there is the fear that her not wearing hijab may cause young men to be tempted by her or her by them. Hence in this situation her parent or guardian has to make her wear hijab so as to prevent means that may lead to evil or immorality.

And Allaah knows best.

Source : Islam Q&A

Tags :

10 years old, 15 years old, 7 years old, Abu Dawood 4402, Abu Dawood 494, Abu Dawood 495, accountable, acts of worship, age of fifteen, Ahmad 2/187, al-Albaani al-Irwa’ 247, al-Bukhaari 1960, Al-Nawawi, al-Rubayyi’ bint Mu’awwidh, al-Tirmidhi 407, approaching puberty, before puberty, Bukhari, complete hijab, evil, fiqh for a girls, fiqh for women, fourth sign, get used, girl, growth of coarse hairs, guardian, haraam, hasan saheeh, hijab, Ibn al-Qayyim, iftaar, immorality, lost mind, menstruation, Muslim, Muslim 91136, nocturnal emissions, observe hijab, parent, prevent means, private parts, puberty, Reaching the age, Saburah ibn Ma’bad, separate them, seven years old, sharee’ah, Sharh Saheeh Muslim 8/14, signs of puberty, sleeper, smack, teaching a girls, teaching underage girls, tempted by her, ten years old, Tuhfat al-Mawlood bi Ahkaam al-Mawlood, wearing hijab, wet dreams, women, young men, ‘Amr ibn Shu’ayb, ‘Ashoora’

Hadith - Bandar diterbalikkan Allah ke atas penduduknya

Dari Jabir r.a. berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda;

"Allah S.W.T. telah memerintahkan Hadrat Jibrail untuk menebalikkan satu bandar dengan penduduk-penduduknya sekali. Hadrat Jibrail berkata: Wahai Tuhanku! Di bandar itu ada hambaMu sifulan yang sedetik pun tidak pernah melakukan maksiat terhadapMu. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: Allah S.W.T. telah berfirman kepada Jibrail: Lungkupkanlah bandar itu dengannya sekali ke atas penduduk bandar itu. Kerana air mukanya tidak pernah berubah, walaupun untuk beberapa ketika, semasa dia melihat penduduk bandar itu melakukan maksiat."
Mishkatul Masabih

Penerangan: Firman Allah S.W.T. ini kesimpulannya ialah: Memang benar hambaKu ini tidak pernah engkar kepadaKu, akan tetapi, apa kurangnya kesalahannya ini. Apabila orang ramai melakukan dosa di hadapannya; dia dengan senang hati memerhatikannya sahaja. Kejahatan berleluasa, orang-orang engkar kepada Allah S.W.T., tetapi melihatkan kejahatan dan orang yang berlaku jahat, tidak kelihatan pada wajahnya sedikit pun rasa tidak senang hati. Mirqat

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‘abid, air muka, azab Allah, bandar diterbalikkan Allah, bangga melanggar perintah Allah, benci maksiat, engkar kepada Allah, fikir umat, fikir ummat, gempa bumi, hukuman Allah, ibadah kepada Allah, Jabir, Jibrail, kejahatan berleluasa, kerisauan Rasulullah, kerisauan umat, kerisauan ummat, maksiat berleluasa, maksiat melengahkan solat, maksiat melewatkan solat, maksiat meninggalkan solat, melanggarkan perintah Allah, melihat maksiat, mencegah maksiat, Mirqat, Mishkatul Masabih, pentingnya da’awah, pentingnya usaha Rasulullah, pentingnya usaha Tabligh, senang hati memerhatikan, tidak berduka, tidak berkerut, tidak bersedih, tidak melakukan maksiat, tsunami

Mengenali dan Mendampingi Ahli Haq (Orang Yang Benar)

Hubungan yang rapat dengan ahlullah (orang yang hampir kepada Allah S.W.T.) dan kerap menghadirkan diri dalam majlis-majlis mereka akan menambah kekuatan agama dan akan menghasilkan kebaikan dan keberkatan. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

"Mahukah aku tunjukkan kepada kamu suatu perkara yang menguatkan agamamu dan dengannya kamu akan mendapat kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Hendaklah kamu selalu bersama dengan orang yang mengingati Allah S.W.T. (ahlullah)."

Adalah penting untuk memastikan siapakah sebenarnya ahlullah? Ahlullah ialah mereka yang mengikut sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w., kerana Allah S.W.T. telah menjadikan kekasihNya Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sebagai contoh teladan untuk umatnya dan berfirman dalam kitabNya yang suci:
"Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad) jika benar kamu mengasihi Allah S.W.T. maka ikutilah aku. Nescaya Allah S.W.T. mengasihi kamu serta mengampunkan dosa-dosa kamu dan Allah S.W.T. Maha Pengampun Maha Mengasihani."
[Ali-'Imran: 31]

Oleh itu, orang yang mengikut sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. dengan sempurna maka sebenarnya dialah ahlullah. Setakat mana seseorang itu jauh daripada amalan sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. setakat itu juga dia akan jauh daripada Allah S.W.T. Para mufassir menerangkan bahawa orang yang mendakwa mencintai Allah S.W.T. tetapi menentang sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. adalah seorang pendusta, kerana kaedah dan prinsip cinta ialah sesiapa yang dicintai maka rumahnya, dinding-dindingnya, halamannya, tamannya malah haiwan peliharaannya pun turut dicintai. Seorang pujangga bermadah:

Aku melalui tembok-tembok bandar Laila,
Aku mencium tembok ini dan mencium tembok itu,
Bukan cinta bandar itu yang mengasyikkan hatiku,
Tetapi cinta sidia yang mendiami di bandar itu.

Seorang pujangga lain bermadah:

Kamu menderhakai Allah tetapi
kamu mendakwakan cinta kepadaNya.
Demi Allah, ini adalah perkara yang pelik.
Jika cintamu benar pasti engkau mentaatiNya.
Kerana kekasih patuh kepada yang dikasihinya.

Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda,

"Semua umatku akan memasuki syurga kecuali mereka yang enggan." Para sahabat r.a. telah bertanya, "Siapakah mereka yang enggan?" Maka Nabi s.a.w. bersabda, "Sesiapa yang mentaatiku akan memasuki syurga dan sesiapa yang menderhakaiku, merekalah yang enggan."
[Misykat, al-Bukhaari]

Dalam hadith yang lain Nabi s.a.w. bersabda,
"Tidak sempurna iman seseorang daripada kamu sehingga keinginannya mengikut agama yang saya bawa."
Sungguh menghairankan jika terdapat orang yang melaung-laungkan kesejahteraan Islam dan umatnya tetapi mereka sendiri tidak mentaati Allah S.W.T. dan RasulNya. Sekiranya dikatakan di hadapan mereka itu bahawa perkara yang mereka lakukan bertentangan dengan sunnah dan berlawanan dengan cara Nabi s.a.w. maka kita dianggap seolah-olah telah menikam mereka dengan lembing. Seorang pujangga berkata:

Sesiapa sahaja yang memilih jalan yang bertentangan dengan jalan pesuruh Allah S.W.T., tidak mungkin akan sampai ke matlamatnya.

Bersambung ...

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ahlullah, akhirat, al-Bukhaari, Ali-’Imran: 31, Allah S.W.T., Bukhari, contoh teladan, hampir kepada Allah, jauh daripada Allah, jauh daripada sunnah, kaedah cinta, kebaikan akhirat, kebaikan dunia, kesejahteraan Islam, Laila, menambah kekuatan agama, mendakwa mencintai Allah, mendampingi Ahli Haq, menentang sunnah Rasulullah, mengampunkan dosa, mengenali Ahli Haq, menghasilkan kebaikan, menghasilkan keberkatan, mengikut sunnah, mengikut sunnah Rasulullah, menguatkan agama, Misykat, mufassir, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, pendusta, prinsip cinta, pujangga, rapat dengan ahlullah, Rasulullah s.a.w., Sunnah, tidak mentaati Allah, tidak sempurna iman

Does Islam Oppress Women? - Abdur Raheem Green

Hadith - Amalan yang memanjangkan umur

Dari Abu Umamah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

"Dengan berbuat kebaikan akan terhindar daripada kematian yang buruk, bersedekah dengan sembunyi akan menyejukkan kemurkaan Allah dan silaturrahmi iaitu menjalin hubungan yang baik di antara saudara-mara akan memanjangkan umur".
[at-Tabaraani dan Majma uz Zawaid]

Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Barangsiapa yang ingin umurnya dipanjangkan dan rezekinya ditambahkan, hendaklah dia menjalin hubungan silaturrahmi dengan baik kepada saudara-mara ibubapanya."
[Musnad Ahmad]

Dari Muaz r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Barangsiapa yang berbuat kebaikan kepada kedua ibubapa, berilah berita gembira untuk mereka, yakni Allah Taala akan menambahkan umurnya."

Tags :

Abu Umamah, Anas bin Malik, at-Tabaraani, berbaik kepada saudara-mara, berbuat kebaikan, bersedekah dengan sembunyi, Hakim, Ibubapa, kebaikan, Kematian, kematian yang buruk, Kemurkaan Allah, Majma uz Zawaid, memanjangkan umur, menambahkan umur, menjalin hubungan baik, menjalin hubungan silaturrahmi, menyejukkan kemurkaan Allah, Muaz, Musnad Ahmad, Panjang Umur, Rezeki, rezeki ditambahkan, Saudara-mara, Sedekah, Silaturrahmi

Maulana Muhammad Ilyas; First Ameer of Tableeghi Jamaat (RA)

On the outskirts of Delhi, near the tomb of Khwaja Nizamuddin, there lived, some seventy years ago, a godly person in the house on top of the red gate of the historical building called Chaunsath Khamba. His name was Maulana Mohammad Ismail.

Maulana Mohammad Ismail

The ancestral home of Maulana Mohammad Ismail was in Jhanjhana in the district of Muzaffarnagar. But when, after the death of his (Ismail) first wife, he married again in the family of Mufti Ilahi Bakhsh Kandhlawi, who belonged to the same ancestry as him, he visited Kandhla frequently and it became a second home to him.

The family of Siddiqui Sheikhs of Jhanjhana and Kandhla had been known, for generations, for piety and learning, and was held in high esteem in the neighborhood. The lines of descent of Maulana Mohammad Ismail and Mufti Ilahi Bakhsh become one, six generations upwards. with Molvi Mohammad Sharif. The lineage runs as follows: Maulana Mohammad Ismail, son of Ghulam Husain, son, of Hakim Karim Bakhsh, son of Hakim Ghulam Mohiuddin, son of Molvi Mohammad Sajid, son of Mofti Mohammed Faiz, son of Molvi Mohammad Sharif, son of Molvi Mohammad Ashraf, son of Sheikh Jamal Mohammad Shah, son of Sheikh Baban Shah, son of Sheikh Bahauddin Shah, son of Molvi Mohammad Sheikh, son of Sheikh Mohammad Fazil, son of Es Sheikh Qutub Shah.

Mufti Ilahi Bakhsh

Mufti Ilahi Bakhsh was among the most outstanding pupils of Shah Abdul Aziz. Besides being a distinguished teacher, author and legist, he was, also a Unani physician of a high order, and possessed a thorough knowledge of both the rational and traditional sciences. He had a great command over Arabic, Persian and Urdu poetry as well, as is borne out by his commentary of Banat Su’ad in which he has translated every line of Hazrat K’ab into Arabic, Persian and Urdu verse. He left behind about 40 books in Arabic and Persian of which Shiyamul Habib and Mathnaawi Maulana Rum Ka Takmial are more famous.

Mufti Ilahi Bakhsh had taken ba’it at the hand of Shah Abdul Aziz. A glowing proof of his sincerity and selflessness was that though he was a renowned spiritual mentor himself, on the death of Shah Abdul Aziz, he felt no hesitation in taking ba’it at the hand of the latter’s young deputy, Syed Ahmad Shaheed, who was about 28 years his junior in age, and in seeking guidance from him. Mufti Sahib was born in 1748, and died in 1831, at the age of 83 years. All his sons and grandsons were men of learning and position. Scholarship and religiousness have been the characteristics of this family Molvi Abul Hasan’s Mathnawi, Gulzar-i-Ibrahim, which forms a part of his well-known work, Bahr-i- Haqiqat, is a poem of rare spiritual feeling. Till recently, it was very popular. His son, Molvi Nurul Hasan, and all the four grandsons, Molvi Ziaul Hasan, Molvi Akbar, Molvi Sulaiman and Hakim Molvi Ibrahim, attained to fame as worthy representatives of their celebrated ancestors.

Maulana Muzaffar Husain

Mufti Saheb’s nephew, Maulana Muzaffar Husain, who was a most favorite pupil of Shah Is’haq and a deputy of Shah Mohammad Yaqub, and had, also, been favored with the company of Syed Ahmad Shaheed, was a very pious and godly person. He never touched anything that was of doubtful purity in the eyes of the Shariat. Incidents of his humility and prayer and fullness are still fresh in the memory of the people of the neighboring areas and serve as a reminder to the glorious days of the earliest decades of Islam.

The maternal grand-daughter of Maulana Muzaffar Husain was married to Maulana Mohammad Ismail. It was his second marriage which was solemnized on October 3 1868. Maulana Mohammad Ismail was the tutor of the children of Mirza Ilahi Bakhsh, who was related to Bahadur Shah Zafar the last of the Mughal Emperors. He lived, as we have seen. in the house on top of the red gate of Chaunsath Khamba. Close to it, was a small mosque with a tin shed in front which used to serve as the parlor of Mirza Ilahi Bakhsh, and, owing to it, it was called Bangle Wali Masjid.

The Maulana was spending his days in obscurity and even Mirza Ilahi Bakhsh had no idea of his high station till he had a personal experience of how the Maulana prayers were granted by God. Worship, Zikr (repeating the Names, praise and Attributes of the Lord), attending to the needs of the travelers and teaching the Quran giving instruction in the Faith were his sole occupation in life. He used to take down the load from the heads of the thirsty laborers who passed the way place it on the ground, draw water from the well and give it to them to drink, and, then, offer two Rak’ats of Salaat, expressing gratitude to the Lord that He had given him the opportunity to serve His bondsmen, though he did not deserve it. He had attained the state of Ihsan.

Once, as he requested Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi to teach him Sulook, the latter remarked, “You don’t need it. You have already attained the objective that is to be reached through this method. It is like a person who has read the Quran saying that he should, also, read the elementary text book of Arabic because he had not begun with it”.

The Maulana was very fond of the recitation of the Quran. An old wish of his was that he went on grazing the goats and reciting the Quran. He was very particular about some member of his family keeping vigil in the night. His second son, Maulana Yahya, used to study till midnight, and, then the Maulana himself got up and Maulana Yahya went to bed, and for the last part of the night, he woke up his eldest son, Maulana Mohammad.

The Maulana never bore a grudge against anyone. His detachment with the world was so complete that it had made him attached to everybody. All the persons who came into contact with him were impressed by his piety, sincerity and selflessness. Leaders of the different warring groups of Delhi held him in the highest esteem, and put an equal trust in him, though they disliked each other so much that none of them was willing to offer Salaat behind the other.

The link with Mewat, too, was established in his lifetime. It is related that, once, he went out in the hope of finding a Muslim whom he could bring to the mosque and offer Salaat with him. On meeting some Muslim laborers, he inquired from them where they were going.? “We are going in search of work”, they replied. “How much do you expect to earn?’ asked the Maulana. The laborers, thereupon, told him about the daily wages they, generally, received. “If you get the same here,” the Maulana asked, “What is the use of going elsewhere ” The laborers agreed and the Maulana took them to the mosque and began to teach the Salaat and the Quran. He would pay them their wages every day and keep them engaged in their lessons. In a few days, they developed the habit of offering up Salaat. Such was the beginning of the Madrassa of Bangle Wali Masjid, and these laborers were its first scholars. After it, about ten Mewati students always remained in the Madrassa and their meals used to come from the house of Mirza Ilahi Bakhsh.

Death of Maulana Mohammad Ismail

Maulana Muhammad Ismail died on 26th February, 1898 in Khajoor Wali Masjid at the Tiraha of Bahram in Delhi. The number of mourners, at his funeral, was so large that though long bamboo poles had been tied to the either side of the bier to enable them to lend a shoulder to it, many people did not get a chance during the entire route of three- and-a-half miles from Delhi to Nizamuddin.

Muslims belonging to various sects and schools of thought, who never got together, joined the procession. The Maulana’s second son, Maulana Mohammad Yahya, narrates that my elder brother, Maulana Mohammad, was a very soft-hearted person and had a most obliging nature. Fearing that he might invite someone to lead the funeral service behind whom people of another sect or group refused to offer the prayer, and, thus an unpleasant situation arose, I stepped forward and said that I would lead the service. Everyone then, offered the prayers peacefully and there was no dissent or commotion.

Owing to the vast concourse of men, the funeral service had to be held a number of times and the burial was delayed. During it, a venerable person and another man known for his spirituality had a vision that Maulana Mohammad Ismail was saying, “Send me off soon. I am feeling ashamed The Holy Prophet is waiting for me."

The Maulana had three sons: Maulana Muhammad from the first wife, and Maulana Muhammad Yahya and Maulana Muhammad Ilyas from the second, who was the maternal granddaughter of Maulana Muzaffar Husain The Maulana had married her after the death of his first wife.

Maulana Mohammed Ilyas

Maulana Muhammed Ilyas was born in 1885. His childhood was spent in maternal grandfather’s home in Kandhla, and with his father at Nizamuddin. In those days, the Kandhla family was the cradle of godliness and piety so much so that reports of the high religiosity nightly devotions and Zikr and Tilawat of its members, both male and female, would seem imaginary and fictitious to the faint-hearted men of our time

The ladies used to recite the Quran themselves in the Nafl prayers as well listen to its Tarawih and other Nafl prayers, standing behind the male relatives. The month of Ramadan, in particular, was the springtime for the Quran. It was read for long hours, almost in every home. The limit of absorption was that, sometimes, the ladies forgot to pay attention to purdah and would not become aware of the coming of outsiders in the house at a time of urgent need.

The Quran with its translation and commentary in Urdu, and Mazaahir-i-Haq Mashariq ul Anwaar and His-i-Haseen formed the limit of the education of the ladies. Deeds and accomplishments of the families of Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah Abdul Aziz were the most popular themes of conversation, and facts regarding these illustrious men of God were on everybody’s lips. Instead of the stories of kings and fairies, ladies of the household related these to the children.

Ammi Bi Maulana Ilyas’s maternal grandmother

The Maulana’s maternal grandmother, Amtus Salam, who was the daughter of Maulana Muzaffar Husain and was known in the family as Ammi Bi, was a very pious lady. About her Salaat, the Maulana, once observed “I saw her likeness of Ammi Bi’s Salaat of Maulana Gangohi”

During the last phase of her life, Ammi Bi’s state was that she never asked for food and ate only when someone placed before her. It was a large family and there was always so much to do. If the thought of having her meal! did not occur to her in the midst of domestic chores, she simply went hungry. Once, someone said to her, “You are so old and weak. How do you manage to without food ?” “I draw sustenance from my Tasbihat (remembrance of Allah)." was her reply.

Bi Safia, Maulana Ilyas’s mother

The mother of Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, Bi Safia, had learnt the Quran by heart and attained great distinction in it. It was a regular practice with her to recite the whole of the Quran and additional ten Juze (part) every day during Ramadan. She, thus, completed forty recitals of the Quran in that month and was so fluent in it that her household duties did not suffer on account of it. She, generally, kept herself engaged in some work while doing the recitation. Apart from the month of Ramadan, her daily routine of worship included: DURUD Sharif, 5,000 times; Ism-i-Zaat Allah, 5,000 times; Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, 1,000 times, Yaa Mughnee-u 1,100 times, La illaaha illallaah, 1,200 times Yaa-Haiyyu, Ya Qaiyum 200 times, Hasbiallaah wa ni’mul Vakil, 500 times; Subhan Allah, 200 times; Alhamdu lillaah, 200 times; La ilaaha illallaah, 200 times; Allah O-Akbar, 200 times; Istighfar, 500 times; Ofwwizu amree illallaah, 100 times; Hasbunallaah wa ni’mul Vakil, 1000 times; Rabb-i in-ni maghloobun fantasir, 1,000 times: Rabb-i-inni masanni-az-zurru wa anla ar-hamur rahimeen, 100 times; Laa ilaaha enta subhanaka in-ni kunzu minaz-zalimeen, 100 times. In addition, she recited a Manzil (1/7) of the Quran everyday.

Like all other children in the family, the Maulana Ilyas began his education in the maktab, and, according to the family tradition, learnt the Quran by heart. The learning of the Quran was so common in the family. that in the one-and-a-half row of worshippers in the family mosque, there was not a single non Hafiz except the Muezzin. Maulana Muhammad Ilyas was Ammi Bi’s favorite child. She used to say; to him. “Ilyas, I feel the aroma of the holy Companions in you. ” Sometimes, placing her hand on his back, she would say, “How is it that I see figures resembling the holy Companions moving along with you?

From his childhood, there was present in Maulana Muhammad Ilyas a touch of the religious ardour and fervent feeling of the blessed Companions which had led Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hasan to remark that “when I see Muhammad Ilyas, I am reminded of the holy Companions. Eagerness and enthusiasm for Faith were ingrained in his nature. Even in his early days, he, sometimes, did things which were much above the common level of the children. Riazul Islam Kandhlawi, a class fellow of his in the Maktab, says that “when we were reading in the Maktab, he, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, once, came with a stick and said, “Comes Riazul Islam, let us do Jihaad against those who do not offer up Salaat."

Stay at Gangoh

In 1893, his elder brother, Muhammad Yahya, went to live at Gangoh with Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi. Maulana Muhammad Ilyas used to live with his father at Nizamuddin, and, sometimes, with his maternal grand-father’s family at Kandhla. At Nizamuddin, his education was being neglected owing to the over- fondness of his father and his own excessive occupation with prayers. Maulana Yahya, thus, requested his father that as the education of Mohammad Ilyas was suffering, he might be allowed to take him to Gangoh. The father agreed – and Maulana Muhammad Ilyas came to Gangoh in 1896 or early 1897 where Muhammad Yahya began to teach him regularly.

Gangoh, in those days, was the seat of Sufi-saints and savants, the benefit of whose company was constantly available to Maulana Muhammad Ilyas. A greater part of his impression able age was spent there. When he went to live at Gangoh, he was 10 or 11 years old, and at the time of Maulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi death, in 1905, he was a young man of about 20. Thus, he stayed with Maulana Gangohi for about 9 years.

Maulana Muhammad Yahya was an ideal teacher and benefactor. He wanted his brother to derive the utmost advantage from the society of those illustrious men. Maulana Muhammad Ilyas used to tell that when the 'Ulama who had been the favorite pupils or disciples of Maulana Gangohi came to Gangoh, his brother would, often, stop the lessons and say that his education, then, lay in sitting with them and listening to their conversation.

Usually, Maulana Gangohi did not take bait from children and students. It was only when they had completed their education that he allowed them to take the pledge. But owing to the exceptional merit of Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, he, at his request, permitted him to do the bait at his hand.

Maulana Muhammad Ilyas had been born with a loving heart. Such a strong attachment did he develop for Maulana Gangohi that he felt no peace without him. He would, often, get up in the night, go and see the Maulana’s face, and return to his bed. Maulana Gangohi, too, had a great affection for him. Once, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas told his brother of severe headache after which he could not bend his head even to the extent of performing the Sajdah on a pillow for months. Maulana Gangohi son, Hakim Masud Ahmad, who was his physician, had a peculiar method of treatment. In certain diseases, he forbade the use of water for a long time which was : unbearable to most of the patients. But with the strength of mind that was so characteristic of him, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas abided strictly by the advice of his physician and abstained from drinking water for full seven years, and, during the next five years, he drank it only sparingly.

There was little hope that he would be to resume his education after the discontinuation owing to illness. He was very keen to take it up again, but his well-wishers would not allow. One day, as Maulana Muhammad Yahya said to him what he would, in any case, do by studying, he retorted, “What will I do by living?” Ultimately, he succeeded in resuming his studies.

The death of Maulana Gangohi occurred in 1905. Maulana Muhammed Ilyas who was at his bedside during the dying moments and reciting the Sura of Ya-Sin, was so deeply affected by it that he used, often, to say, “Two shocks have been most painful to me. One was of the death of my father, and the other, of the death of Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi. ” In 1908, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas went to Deoband where he studied at-Tirmidhi and Sahih al-Bukhaari from Maulana Mahmood Hasan. The latter advised him to approach Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri for spiritual guidance and instruction, since his mentor, Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, was no more, and, thus, he completed the various stages of Sulook under Maulana Saharanpuri’s supervision.

Absorption in prayers

During his stay at Gangoh, after the death of Maulana Gangohi, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, generally, remained silent and spent most of his time in meditation. Says Maulana Muhammad Zakaria, “We read elementary Persian from him those days. His practice, then, was that he sat cross legged, and in utter silence, on a coarse mat behind the tomb of Shah Abdul Quddus. We presented ourselves for the lesson, opened the book, and placed it before him, indicating with the finger where we were to begin from on that day. We would read aloud and translate the Persian verses. When we made a mistake, he would shut the book with a movement of the finger, and the lesson came to an end. It meant that we were to go back, prepare the lesson thoroughly, and, then, come again . . . …………….. He used to offer Nafl prayers much and often at that time. From Maghrib till a little before Isha, he devoted himself exclusively to Nawafil. His age, then, was between 20 and 25 years.

Ardor and eagerness

Ardor and eagerness, without which no real success is possible in any field, were deeply rooted in him. It was by sheer determination and earnestness that he accomplished what he did in spite of persistent ill-health. One day, during his last illness, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas related that “once I was so ill and feeling so weak that I could not go down the stairs. All of a sudden, I heard that Maulana Saharanpuri had come to Delhi and I was so excited that I left for Delhi immediately on foot and forgot all about my illness and exhaustion. It was in the way that I remembered I was sick.

Contact with other spiritual mentors

Regular contact with other spiritual mentors and disciples of Maulana Gangohi was maintained during those days. About Shah Abdur Rahim Raipuri and Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi he used to say that they abided in his heart. They, too, had a great regard and affection for him owing to his extraordinary qualities.

Spirit of Jehad

Together with Zikr, Saga (spiritual exercises and exertions) Nawafil and Ibadaat, Maulana Mohammad Ilyas was, also, infused with the spirit of Jehad. Throughout his life, he was never without it, and had, in fact, taken the pledge of Jehad at the hand of Maulana Mahmood Hasan for that very reason.

Estimation in the eyes of elders

From his early days, he was held in the highest esteem by the elders of the family as well as the spiritual leaders of the day. Maulana Muhammad Yahya was like a father to him, yet the former’s attitude towards his younger brother was like that of the sacred Prophet towards Hazrat Usman. Indifferent health prevented him from taking part in duties involving physical labor. He concentrated wholly on his studies, and on Zikr, and other forms of worship. Maulana Muhammad Yahya, on the contrary, was a very industrious person. He owned a bookshop which he managed with great care. It was not only his source of livelihood, but of his brothers as well. One day, the manager of the shop said that Maulana Muhammad Ilyas did not take any interest in the business which was not good for him, too, benefited from it. When Maulana Muhammad Yahya heard of it, he was very angry and remarked that “a Tradition has it that the sustenance that reaches you and the help you receive from the Lord is due to the blessedness of the weaker ones among you. I believe that I am receiving my sustenance owing to the good fortune of this child. Nothing should be said to him in future. If there is anything to say, it should be said to me.

Sometimes, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas was asked to lead the service in the presence of renowned theologians and spiritual leaders. Once Shah Abdur Rahim Raipuri, Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri and Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi happened to be in Kandhla. When the time for Salaat came and Maulana Muhammad Ilyas was asked to lead it, a senior member of the family, Molvi Badrul Hasan, humorously remarked that “such a small engine has been fastened to so many big carriages.” “It depends on the power (not the size of the engine”, replied one of them.

Career with a teacher in Mazaahirul Uloom

In 1910, a large number of men, including most of the senior teachers of the Madrassa of Mazaahirul Uloom, left for the Haj from Saharanpur. It necessitated the recruitment of new teachers for the Madrassa, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas being one of them. He was given the secondary books to teach. On the return of the senior teachers from the Pilgrimage, all the new entrants were relieved of their duties, but the services of Maulana Muhammad Ilyas were retained.

At Mazaahirul Uloom, the Maulana had to teach some books which he had not read himself as, in Maulana Muhammad Yahya’s scheme of instruction, it was not customary to complete the books, and Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, further, had to miss some secondary books owing to ill-health. During his teaching days, he tried hard to make up for the deficiency and prepared his lectures carefully. For instance, for teaching Kinzul Daqa’iq, he studied Bahr-ur-Ra’iq, Shaami and Hadaya, and consulted even Hisami’s notes and comments when he taught Nurul Anawaar.

Marriage The Maulana married the daughter of his maternal uncle, Maulana Rauful Hasans on Friday, October 17, 1912 was performed by Maulana Muhammad, and Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, Shah Abdur Rahim Raipuri an Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, all the three of them, attended the ceremony. Maulana Thanwi’s celebrated sermon, Fuwayid us Suhbat, which has subsequently been published times without number, was delivered on that occasion.

First Haj

In 1915, Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri and Maulana Mahmood Hasan, decided lo go on the Haj Pilgrimage. When Maulana Muhammad Ilyas came to know of it, he was strongly seized with the desire to perform the Haj. He felt that it would become dark and gloomy in India with their departure and he would not be able to live in Saharanpur any more. But there was the question of permission. As his sister, the wife of Molvi Ikrarnul Hasan, saw his distress, she offered her ornaments to meet the expenses of the Pilgrimage. Contrary to expectations, the Maulana’s mother gave her consent, after which Maulana Muhammad Yahya, also, agreed. The Maulana, then, wrote to Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri asking for his permission, and explained that as far as she wherewithal for the journey was concerned, three courses were open to him. He could take his sister’s ornaments or borrow the amount or accept the offers of money made by certain relatives. Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri preferred the third course. Maulana Muhammad Ilyas was fortunate enough to travel by the same boat as Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri. He sailed in August, 1914, and returned in February, 1915, to resume the teaching at the Madrassa.

Death of Maulana Muhammad Yahya

The death of Maulana Muhammad Yahya, on Wednesday, the 9th of August, 1915, was an extremely sad and frustrating event for the Maulana. In addition to being a most affectionate brother, he was, also, his teacher and benefactor. He could not get over the shock till the end of his days. He used to get lost in thought and a peculiar kind of abstraction took possession of him when he talked about his brother.

Stay at Nizamuddin

Two years after the death of Maulana Muhammad Yahya, the eldest brother of Maulana Mohamad Ilyas, Maulana Muhammad, also, passed away. He was a man of angelic disposition and an embodiment of affection, piety and humility. He loved solitude and cared little for worldly comforts. He lived in Bangle Wali Masjid, at Nizamuddin, in the place of his late father. There was a Madrassa in the mosque which had been founded by Maulana Muhammad Ismail. Only primary education was imparted in it, and, among its pupils were mostly the children from Mewat. It had no regular source of income and reliance was placed solely upon God for meeting its needs.

Many people of Delhi and Mewat were devoted to Maulana Muhammad and had benefited from his guidance. His face had the radiance of spirituality. He, often, gave the sermon, but in an informal, conversational way. He remained seated during it, and, generally, read out the Traditions on good morals and Zuhd, (Islamic asceticism) and explained their meaning in a simple language.

Once Maulana Muhammad developed a boil under an eye which had to be opened seven times. The doctors insisted on administering the anesthetic but he refused to take it and lay motionless throughout the operation. The surgeon, afterwards, said, that he had not seen the like of it in his life.

Maulana Muhammad spent most of his time in prayer and meditation. During the 16 years before his death, he did not miss the Tahajjud (before dawn prayer) prayers even once, and breathed his last while performing the Sajda in the Namaz of Witr.

Maulana Muhammad Ilyas had route to Delhi to look after his sick brother and was staying with him in the Nawab Wali Masjid of Qassab Pura. It was there that Maulana Muhammad died and the burial took place at Nizamuddin. Thousands of men attended the funeral.

After the burial, people urged upon Maulana Muhammad Ilyas to take up residence at Nizamuddin in order to fill the void caused by the death of his father and brother. They, also, promised monthly donations for the Madrassa to which the Maulana agreed subject to certain conditions which he observed throughout his life.

Maulana Muhammad Ilyas had made it clear that he would come to Nizamuddin and take charge of the Madrassa only if Maulana Khaiil Ahmad Saharanpuri approved. Upon it, several persons offered to go to Saharanpur to obtain the permission, but Maulana Muhammad Ilyas checked them saying that it was not the way to do it. He would go himself, unaccompanied by anyone.

The Maulana, thus, went to Saharanpur and explained the whole thing to Maulana Khalil Ahmad. The latter gave his approval, but added that, in the first instance, only a year’s Ieave be taken from Mazaahirul Uloom and if the stay at Nizamuddin proved useful and it was decided to settle down there permanently, he could resign at any time.

But before Maulana Muhammad Ilyas could move to Nizamuddin, he was suddenly taken ill with pleurisy and went to Kandhla where his condition worsened. One night his illness took such a grave turn that all hope was lost. The pulse sank and the body became cold, but God had to take some work from him. Unexpectedly, he began to improve, and, in a few days, was able to leave the bed.

On regaining health, Maulana came to Nizamuddin from Kandhla. In those days, there was no habitation in that part of Nizamuddin, and, adjoining the mosque, there was a thick growth of trees and underbrush. Maulana Ihtishamul Hasan who, in his childhood, had come to live, for sometime, with Maulana Muhammad Ilyas tells that “I used to go out and stand in the hope of seeing ‘a human face. When anyone appeared, I felt so happy as if someone had given me a precious gift.”

A small pucca (built of bricks) mosque, a shed, a living apartment, a small settlement of the attendants of the tomb to the south of it, and a few Mewati and non-Mewati students that as all that formed the world of the mosque and the Madrassa.

The resources of the Madrassa were so meager that, some times, they had to starve, but the Maulana bore it all with a cheerful heart. Occasionally, he would say plainly, that there was nothing to eat. Whoever wanted to stay’ might stay and whoever wanted to go might go and make his arrangement elsewhere. The moral and spiritual training the students were receiving, however, was such that none of them was willing to leave. Often, they would live on wild fruits. The scholars themselves brought wood from the forest to prepare the chappati (flat bread) which they ate with chutney (pickle). The extreme poverty made no impression on the Maulana. What worried him was the prospect of abundance and prosperity which, he was sure, was going to open up, according to the practice of the Lord, after the phase of trial and tribulation.

The outward appearance of the Madrassa held no interest for the Maulana. He was supremely unconcerned with it. Once, during his absence, some residential quarters were built for its staff through the efforts of Haji Abdur Rahman, an old friend of his and an ex-student of the Madrassa, which made the Maulana so angry that he did not speak to him for a long time. The Maulana remarked that the real thing was education, and, referring to a certain Madrassa, said that its building had become pucca, but the standard of education had gone down.

Once a prominent merchant of Delhi begged the Maulana to supplicate to the Lord for him in a very important matter, and presented him a purse. The Maulana agreed to pray on his behalf, but declined to accept the’ money. Haji Abdur Rahman, however, took it in view of the chronic financial difficulties of the Madrassa, but the Maulana had no peace until he had it returned. He used to impress upon Haji Abdur Rahrnan that the work of faith was not carried out with motley (money), otherwise much wealth would have been granted to the holy Prophet.

Worshipfulness Maulana Muhamrnad Ilyas, exclusively, kept himself occupied with prayers and other spiritual exertions in those days. He had inherited the inclination for it from his ancestors which blossomed up during the stay at Nizamuddin. He sought solitude and carried out vigorous exercises for the purification of the soul. According to Haji Abdur Rahman, the Maulana remained in seclusion for long hours at the gate of Arab Sara which was the favorite place of worship of Hazrat Nizmuddin Aulia, and was situated to he north of Humayun’s tomb. near the mausoleum of Abdur Rahim Khan Khana and the grave of Syed Nur Mohammad Badaynni, the spiritual mentor of Mazhar jan-i-Janan. Usually, his mid-day meal was sent there while the evening meal he took at home, He offered the five daily prayers in congregation. Haji Abdur Rahman and his fellow students used to go to the gate to form the congregation, and for their lessons, they, sometimes, went there, and, some times, the Maulana himself came to Chukkar Wali Masjid.

The Maulana performed the Wuzu (abulation) and offered two Rak’ats of Namaz before commencing the lesson of the Traditions, and remarked that the claim of the Traditions was even greater. He did not talk to anyone, however important, while teaching the Traditions, nor ever complained if the meal came late from Nizamuddin, nor found fault with food.

Interest in teaching

The Maulana took keen interest in his pupils and personally taught all the subjects, elementary as well as advanced. Sometimes, he had as many as eighty students directly under his instruction, and took the class of Mustadrak_i_Haakim before Fajr.

The main emphasis in his method of teaching was on the application of mind. He wanted the students to come thoroughly prepared. The Maulana did not follow the general syllabus of the Madrassas in the selection of books and many books that were but prescribed in the other Madrassas were taught at Nizamuddin. He thought of new ways to stimulate the students and develop the faculties of imagination and understanding in them.

Beginnings of the movement of Religious Reform in Meewat

The area to the south of Delhi where the Meos have been settled from the olden days is called Mewat. Presently, it includes the Gurgaon district of the Punjab, the native states of Alwar and Bharatpur and the district of Mathura of the United Provinces. Like all other regions, its boundaries, too, have been changing from time to time and the dimensions of the old Mewat must have been different from what they are now.

The English historians hold that the Meos do not come from the Aryan stock, but are related to the non-Aryan races of ancient India. Their history, thus, dates far back than that of the Rajput families of Aryan blood. According to them, the Khanzadas (lowest order of Mughal nobility) of Mewat, however, belong to the same ethnic group as the Rajputs, and, in the Persian history books, wherever the word ‘Mewati’ occurs, it denotes the very Khanzadas. We, further, learn from Ain-i-Akbari that the Jatau Rajputs came to be known as Mewatis on embracing Islam.

In the annals of Firoz Shahi dynasty, Mewat is mentioned, for the first time, in the memoirs of Shamsuddin Al-timash. The Mewatis had become very troublesome during the early days of the Muslim Kingdom of Delhi. Aided by the long range of thick forests that extended up to Delhi, they used to raid it frequently and had become such a terror that the gates of the capital were shut at sunset. Still, they managed to enter the town in the night in search of plunder. Ghayasuddin Balban, thereupon, dispatched a strong military force against the Mewatis, killing a large number of them. Outposts manned by the Afghan soldiers were set up in Delhi, the surrounding forests were cut down and the land was brought under cultivation. Mewat, thereafter, remained in oblivion for about a hundred years

After the long lull, the Mewati adventuress, again, became active and started harassing the people of Delhi which forced the authorities to take punitive action against them from time to time. The names of Bahadur Nahir and his successors are, particularly, mentioned in the chronicles in this connection. They succeeded in establishing the Kingdom of Mewat which was, later, reduced to a Jagir (a feudal estate) by the rulers of Delhi.

Another prominent Mewatis was Lakhan Pal who brought the whole of Mewat and its outlying territory under his domination. He embraced Islam during the reign of Firoz Shah.

Moral and religious condition

Owing to the negligence of the Muslims religious teachers, the moral arid (amid) religious condition of the Mewatis had sunk so low that there was little to distinguish between their beliefs and practices and wholesale apostasy. Even non-Muslim historians have commented at length on their estrangement with Islam, as the following extract from the Alwar Gazetteer of 1878, written by Major Powlett, will show:

“All the Meos are, now, Muslims, but only in name. Their village deities are the same as those of the Hindu landlords, and they celebrate several Hindu festivals. Holi is a season of special rejoicing among the Mewatis and they observe it like their own festivals, such as, Moharrum, ‘Id and Shab-i-Barat. The same is the case with Janam Ashtami, Dussehra and Diwali, The Meos engage the services of the Brahmins to fix the dates of marriages. They have Hindu names, with the exception of the word ‘Ram’, and their last name, often, is ‘Singh’, though not as frequently as ‘Khan’. Like Ahirs and Gujars, the Mewatis, too, observe Amawas as a holiday on which they abstain from work. When they build a well, they begin with the construction of a parapet in the name of Beeriyi or Hanuman, but when it comes to pillage, they do not show much reverence to the Hindu temples and other places of religious significance. If, on such an occasion, their attention is drawn to the sanctity of these establishments, they, unhesitatingly, says, ‘You are “Does” and we are “Meos”.’ Meos are, largely, ignorant of their faith, i. e., Islam. Very few of them know the Kalima,’ and fewer still observe Namaz regularly. About the hours and rules of namaz, their ignorance is complete. This is the state of the Meos of Alwar. In the British territory of Gurgaon, the position is a little better because of the Madrassas. In some parts of Alwar, also, where the mosques have been built, the religious duties are observed to some extent. A few of them know the Kalima and offer up namaz and an attachment for the Madrassas, also, is found among them. As we have seen earlier, the initial ceremonies of marriage are performed by the Brahmins, but the real ceremony (of nikah) is performed by the Qazi. Men wear dhoti and loin-cloth. The pajamas are not worn at all. Their dress, thus, is wholly Hinduised. Even ornaments of gold are worn by men.”

At another place, Major Powlett writes:

“The Meos are half-Hindu by their habits. Mosques are rarely to be seen in their villages. There are only eight mosques in the fifty villages of the tehsil of Tijarah. Leaving aside the temples, the places of worship of the Meos are very much similar to those of their Hindu neighbors. These are known, for instance as Paanch Peera, Bhaisa and Chahand Chahand or Khera Deo is consecrated to the service of Maha Davi where animals are offered as a sacrifice. In Shah-i-Barat, the banner of Syed Salar Masud Ghazi is worshipped in all Meo villages.”

Similarly, in the Gazetteer of Gurgaon (1910), it is stated that ‘‘the Meos, still, are a very loose and careless type of Muslims. They share most of tile customs of the neighboring community specially those which possess an element of fun and merriment . Their basic rule seems to be to observe the religious celebrations of both the communities and disregard the religious duties of either. Lately, some religious teachers have appeared in Mewat and a few Meos have started to keep the fasts of Ramzan and to build mosques in their villages and observe namaz. Their women, too, have taken to wearing Pyjamas instead of the Hindu Chagras. All these are the signs of religious awakening.”

The Gazetteer of Bharatpur, again, says:

“The customs of Meos are a mixture of Hindu and Muslim customs. They observe circumcision, perform nikah and bury their dead. They make a pilgrimage to the tomb of Syed Salar Masud Ghazi at Bahraich, and attach a great importance to the vow taken under his banner, and consider it a religious duty to fulfill it. They, also, visit the other shrines of India, but do not perform the Hajj. Among the Hindu festivals, they celebrate Holi and Diwali. They do not marry in the family or in their own branch or sub­division of the clan, girls do not have a share in ancestral property, and they give mixed Hindu and Muslim names to their children. They are, wholly, illiterate and have a fair number of bards and minstrels among them whom they pay liberally. Many quatrains on the themes of agriculture and rural life are popular which they love to recite. Their speech is rough arid coarse, and the manner of addressing both men and women is the same. Intoxicants are widely in use. They are extremely weak of faith and highly superstitious, and believe in omens and auguries. Both male and female dresses are Hinduised. In the olden days, infanticide was prevalent, but now it has been given up. Highway robbery and pillage had been’ their traditional profession, but they have been reformed lately. They. however, are still notorious ifor cattle-ifting.’

Moral virtues

All the same, the Meos are distinguished for some excellent moral qualities and their vices and weaknesses are in the nature of the evil ways and practices that become a part of the moral and social pattern of brave and adventurous races as a result of want of education, isolation from the civilized world and indifference towards religion. These were rampant even among the Arabs during the Age of Ignorance. Natural talents and capabilities had taken a wrong turn owing to the perversity of the environment. Chivalry had degenerated into banditry, man­liness had found expression in mutual warfare and bloodshed, sense of pride and self-respect, with no better purpose to serve, had sought fulfillment in the defense of imaginary standards of honor and renown, and high mindedness, for its display, had adopted the path of pomp and flourish on petty occasions in the family or clan. In brief, God-given gifts of mind and character were being put to unworthy use, otherwise there was no death of virtue and merit among the Meos.

Rugged simplicity, hardihood and firmness of purpose were the chief characteristics of the Mewatis in which they were far superior to the urban Muslim population. It was on account of these qualities that in spite of having drifted so far away from Islam, the floodtide of Apostasy could not submerge the territory of Mewat even in the darkest period of its history.

For centuries the Maos had been living within the shell of their ignorance keeping by themselves and isolated from the outside world. A parallel can scarcely be found in the Indian history of a community so large and living in such a close proximity to the central seat of power and yet remaining so obscure and isolated. An advantage of it, however, was that the energies of the Mewatis, on the whole, remained conserved, the soil remained virgin while the deplorable habits and customs and superstitious belief and practices were, so to speak, like the weeds and scrubs growing on an uncultivated land. The Meos, in the 20th Century, were very much like the Arabs in the Age of Perversion.

Beginnings as we have seen, contact with the Mewatis was established during the lifetime of Maulana Muhammad lsmail. It was not a chance occurrence, but an act of destiny that Maulana Mohammad Ismail came to live in Basti Nizamuddin which was the gateway of Mewat, and much before the arrival of Maulana Muhammad Ilyas, seeds of loyalty and devotion of his family had been sown on its soil.

When the followers of Maulana Muhammad Ismail and Maulana Muhammad came to know that their true successor, the son of Maulana Muhammad Ismail and the brother of Maulana Muhammad had come to live at Nizamuddin they, again, started coming to it and requested Maulana Muhammad Ilyas for a visit so that the old suppliants of his family had an opportunity to renew the ties of fealty and spiritual allegiance.

Real remedy

Maulana Muhammad Ilyas felt that the only way to the religious reform and correction of the Mewatis was promotion of religious knowledge and familiarization with the rules and principles of the Shariat.

Maulana Muhammad ismail, and, after him, Maulana Mohammad had adopted the same method. They used to keep the Mewati children with them and educate them in their Madrassa, and, then, send them back to Mewat to carry on the work of reform and guidance, and what little religious awareness was found there was owing to the efforts of these pioneers.

Maulana Muhammad Ilyas went a step ahead and decided to establish Maktabs and Madrassas in Mewat itself so that the influence of Faith could spread to a wider area and the pace of change was accelerated.

Stipulation The Maulana knew what was, commonly, meant by inviting a spirtual mentor or his successor to their place by his disciples and admirers, and he was not willing to go to Mewat only to fulfill the formalities of attending the dinner given in his honor delivering a few sermons and giving good counsel. He wanted to make sure before undertaking the trip, that some real advance would be made, as a result of his visit, towards bringing the Meos closer to Islam and improving their moral condition, arid, during those days, the setting up of Maktabs and Madrassas in Mewat appeared to him to be the most effective step in that direction. He had, thus, made it clear that he would accept the invitation only on the condition that they promised to establish Maktabs in their territory.

For the Mewatis, however, no undertaking could be harder to give. They considered the establishment of Maktabs next to impossible for the simple reason that no one would be sending his children to them, and, thus, depriving himself of their contribution to the family income as daily wage-earners. The enthusiasm of those who came to invite quickly subsided as they heard of the stipulation. In desperation, however, a Mewati, finally, made the promise, leaving the rest to God

Establishment of Maktabs

Maulana Mohammad Ilyas, accordingly, went to Mewat and demanded the fulfillment of the promise. After great persuasion, the beginning was made and the first Maktab was established.

The Maulana used to tell the Mawatis, “Give me the pupils, I will provide the money.” The Meos who were, mainly, farmers, could not easily reconcile themselves to the position that their children applied themselves to reading and writing and stopped working in the fields or looking after the cattle. It took a lot of tact and perseverance to bring them round to it.

Ten Maktabs were opened during that visit. Once the ice was broken, the progress was easy. Sometimes, several Maktabs were opened in a day till, within a few years, hundreds of such schools were functioning in Mewat.

The Maulana had not undertaken the service of Faith as a “national cause”, the burden of providing the funds for which fell wholly upon the nation or the community, but as a personal affair and felt no hesitation in spending all he had on it. He believed that a person should perform a religious task as his own and expend his time and money freely in its way.

Once a person presented a purse to him with the request that he used it, exclusively, for his own needs. The Maulana replied, “If we do not regard Allah’s work our own, how can we claim to be His bondmen?“ With a sigh, he added, “Alas! We are not the just appreciators of the sacred Prophet. We do not know his true worth.”

This was the Maulana’s rule of life. First of all, he spent from his own pocket on the religious endeavor he had launched in Mewat, and, then, alone, would accept help from others.

Passing Away

Due to Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (RA)’s sincerity and hard work the work of Tableegh began to spread and Jamaats started to visit all parts of the sub-continent within his life time. Hazrat Maulana Syed Suleiman Nadwi (RA) remarks, ” Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Ilyas (RA) with his simplicity and dedication to the correct principles of Dawat (invitation) quietly turned the Mewatees into sincere and pious Muslims over a twenty five years and made them the envy of even the Muslims belonging to traditional religious families.

His hard work bore fruit in his life and he raised thousands of dedicated Muslims who continued on the path of Da'wah even after his passing away.

Finally the humble, physically weak and thin Maulana passed away in 1324 Hijra leaving behind not one or two but thousands to take up his cause and continue on the path of reformation.

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