Saturday, May 1, 2010

Oleh Tun Sheikh Engku Bendahara

Johor sebelum merdeka amat terkenal dengan banyaknya rakyat yang berpelajaran dan tokoh cerdik pandai. Cendekiawan yang lahir telah menyumbang jasa dan menjana kemajuan serta pemodenan negeri Johor. Sumbangan mereka telah mempercepat kemajuan dan pemodenan Johor semenjak era Temenggong hingga ke hari ini. Dasar pelajaran yang sangat diutamakan sejak zaman Temenggong Johor iaitu Temenggong Abd Rahman pada 1820-an dan anakandanya Temenggong Daing Ibrahim pada 1840-an. Dasar ini telah diteruskan serta menjadi dasar, pada zaman pemerintahan Temenggong Abu Bakar yang kemudiannya bergelar Maharaja pada tahun 1868 dan Sultan Johor pada1885, telah mengangkat negeri Johor sebagai negeri Melayu yang termaju dan moden.

How to Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Friday, April 30, 2010

By Tealyn Webb, eHow Contributing Writer

The American Cancer Society says that a woman has a one in eight chance of contracting breast cancer in her lifetime. There are many risk factors that you cannot control, such as aging, having a family history or the fact that you are female. That does not mean that there is nothing you can do to lower your risks. While early detection definitely saves lives, prevention may save many more, including yours.


Step 1 Maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, actively work on bringing the numbers on your scale down. A study by the American Cancer society found that women who gained 60 or more pounds as adults are more than 1 1/2 times likelier to get breast cancer than women who gained 20 or fewer pounds in adulthood. Losing even 10 percent of your body weight will lower your risk.

Step 2 Eat a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy whole grains. Avoid foods that are high in fat and limit your intake of foods from animal sources.

Step 3 Minimize alcohol. Numerous clinical studies, including some by Johns Hopkins and the American Institute for Cancer Research, show a definite link between alchohol intake and an increase in breast cancer risk. Refraining from alcoholic beverages is highly recommended. If you do drink, try to adhere to a limit of one beverage per day.

Step 4 Go green. Ridding your home of cleaning products and other household items made of toxic ingredients will reduce your risk of not only breast cancer, but all other types of cancer as well. Shop for products made with natural products or find ways to clean using vinegar, baking soda and other common but safe items around your home.

Step 5 De-stress. Many studies have reported a correlation between the mind and the body when it comes to breast cancer. Make sure you get enough sleep on a consistent basis and keep a positive outlook on life. If life has gotten you down, either seek ways to change it or get help dealing with the negativity in a healthy manner.

Source : eHow.com

How to Recycle a Computer

Thursday, April 29, 2010

By Josienita Borlongan, eHow Contributing Writer

To some folks, upgrading to a new computer means sending the old one to the dumpster or keeping it in a storage until who knows when. But what they do not know is that they can actually recycle their old computers and prevent more things from being added to the landfill. Find out how you can get rid of your old computers without harming the environment.


Step 1 Call or go to a recycling center near you. Some recycling centers offer this service, yet some do not. Bring your computers to their site if they do.

Step 2 Salvage old computer parts that you can sell on eBay or other online auction sites. Other parts can then be sent to the recycling sites as mentioned in step 1.

Step 3 Your old computer may still have some use to it. Donate it to charity, school, a friend in need of a computer or a library. Computer-technology students can also take your old computer and study the basic parts.

Step 4 Call the manufacturer and find out if they have a program to recycle computers they previously sold. Some of them will give you instructions on how to send the old computer to them, such as preparing your computer and what packaging to use. Some companies even provide a shipping box with packing materials and labels for free.

Source : eHow.com

How to Plan a Green Home Remodeling Project

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

By CapeGuy, eHow Member

As concern about the environment and energy use rises, more of us are concerned about the impact of our actions. Individual actions can add up to have important positive effects on the world around us. Here are some ideas that could help you reduce the impact your home-remodeling efforts--and they could help make your new space more comfortable and affordable, as well.


Step 1 If you're hiring a contractor for the project, look for someone who has experience working with green-remodeling principles, or who is at least interested in gaining expertise. They may need to reconsider some of their standard practices, so they need to understand such changes are important to you.

Step 2 Know where your trash is going. Remodeling invariably involves demolition, as well as disposing of plumbing fixtures and appliances. Some cities have centers where old sinks, tubs and other fixtures can be donated for re-use. In any event, make sure debris is handled responsibly.

Step 3 Reuse, where possible. Maybe those dated kitchen cabinets can be painted and re-installed in your basement laundry room, or existing framing lumber can be cleaned and cut to fit your new project's dimensions. Re-using existing products is almost always more resource-efficient than buying newly manufactured replacements.

Step 4 Invest in insulation. It may be among the least glamorous of building materials, but insulation is critical to maximizing your home's energy efficiency and can also help cut costs for your heating and air-conditioning equipment. With a well-insulated home, you can choose lower-capacity heating and cooling equipment, and, of course, your eventual heating and cooling bills will be lower, as well.

Step 5 Look for the star - the Energy Star - when choosing appliances. Check the yellow efficiency labels on any appliances you're considering and opt for the most efficient model you can afford. Not only will you be helping the environment, you'll also be cutting your future energy bills.

Step 6 Right-size your air-conditioning purchase. It's tempting to buy a super-sized central air-conditioning system, but that decision could create mold problems down the line. Oversized A/C equipment can end up cooling a space before it has lowered interior humidity levels, encouraging condensation once the thermostat trips off. Buying a system that's sized to your needs - and improved insulating efficiency - will help maintain optimum air quality within your home.

Step 7 Understand the tradeoffs when selecting building materials and finishes. For example, bamboo flooring is a highly renewable resource, but must be shipped thousands of miles from plantations in Asia. Sustainably harvested domestic hardwood may take longer to grow, but it may only have to travel a hundred miles from the mill to your front door. Certification by organizations such as the Forest Stewardship Council can help ensure raw materials were harvested responsibly.

Source : eHow.com

How to Go Green at Home

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

By an eHow Contributing Writer

Even the smallest of actions can have lasting environmental effects. Going green at home gives people the opportunity to reduce their impact on the environment and to ensure that clean air and water are available for future generations. You can spend a lot to go green, but just a few inexpensive changes can make a difference.


Step 1 Use less electricity. Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs each time you replace an old incandescent bulb. Compact fluorescents save 75 percent in energy use and last up to 10 times longer. As a bonus, you'll save money on your electric bill.

Step 2 Run the washer, dryer and dishwasher only with full loads. You reduce both electricity and water usage by only running these appliances when necessary.

Step 3 Install a low-flow shower head. The newest models still produce strong water pressure while using much less water.

Step 4 Retrofit your hot-water system with a hot-water recirculation pump. These pumps recirculate cold water back to the water heater and only release water when it is hot. Go green and quit wasting water waiting for the cold water to get hot.

Step 5 Choose Zero VOC paints for your next home decorating project. Most paints contain toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are released into the air when you paint. VOCs can cause short and long term health problems.

Step 6 Look for furnishings made without glue or formaldehyde. This will green your home by improving your indoor air-quality.

Step 7 Recycle, reuse and compost. Reduce the amount of stuff you send to the landfill. Find out about recycling programs in your community. Find new uses for items. Compost yard waste and kitchen scraps.

Step 8 Properly dispose of hazardous waste. Cleaners, oils, paints, pesticides, batteries and solvents should never go out with the household garbage; they end up contaminating the soil and groundwater in your community. Contact your city government or the EPA to find out how to properly dispose of these items.

Source : eHow.com

How to Conserve Energy

Monday, April 26, 2010

By an eHow Contributing Writer

Energy costs are through the roof, with the average energy bill running as much as double what it did just a year or two ago. Even if your utility bills are reasonable, there are still things you can do to conserve energy. That's a good thing for your pocketbook and for the environment.


Step 1 Turn off the lights. Simple as that sounds, turning off lights and other electrical appliances when you leave the room can save you hundreds of dollars and literally tons of carbon emissions each year.

Step 2 Contact your local electricity supplier to see if you qualify for an energy audit. If your electric usage is high enough, your utility company will pay to have an energy auditor examine your home and make recommendations on things you can do to improve your energy efficiency. You may even qualify for free bulbs, faucet heads and rebates on new appliances to the tune of hundreds of dollars.

Step 3 Switch to fluorescent bulbs. Today's compact fluorescent bulbs cast much nicer light than those glaring tube fluorescent lights you may have had in school when you were younger. And CFCs, as compact fluorescent bulbs are known, consume a fraction of the energy that traditional incandescent bulbs do, slashing your energy bill. Many utility companies offer rebates on the bulbs, too, saving you even more money.

Step 4 Lower the temperature on your hot water heater. Whether you heat your water using electricity, oil or gas, lowering the temperature on your water heater a few degrees will inevitably save you money on your energy bills. Experts recommend setting your water heater temperature no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This promotes energy conservation and prevents burns.

Step 5 Hang your clothes out to dry. It'll conserve energy, cut pollution, save you money and your clothes will smell better.

Step 6 Buy Energy Star appliances. Energy Star appliances use at least 10 percent less energy than regular appliances, plus many utilities offer rebates of $50 to as much as $250 if you replace an old appliance with an Energy Star appliance. Refrigerators are the biggest energy hogs, so you'll conserve the most energy starting there.

Source : eHow.com

How to Harvest Rainwater

Sunday, April 25, 2010

By Murray Anderson, eHow Contributing Writer

Concerned about the amount of scarce water you and your family go through every day? When you stop and think about it, we've got a reliable supply of clean, inexpensive water we can use and it literally falls from the sky. Years ago people used to have rain barrels that held water for future use, but most of us have gotten so used to having a steady supply of water pumped from the ground that we gave up on "old fashioned" rain barrels. However, modern day concerns about water usage and cost are leading many of us to reconsider the idea of harvesting this natural supply of water. Although you shouldn't drink it, harvested rainwater is great for watering plants or even lawns. All you need to harvest rainwater is a simple system to capture and store fallen rain and then distribute it when it's needed.


Catching and Storing Rainwater

Step 1 Consider the amount of rainwater that runs off your roof during a rainfall. Depending on the size of your roof, there could be hundreds of gallons literally running away.

Step 2 Determine where you will place your rainwater collection system. It should be near the downspout of your existing gutter system.

Step 3 Dig a base area for your rain barrels about four inches deep and fill it with pea gravel.

Step 4 Lay cement blocks on top of the pea gravel and level them. Alternatively, build an attractive wooden base structure to hold your rain barrels. (The higher your barrels are off the ground, the more water pressure you will have to distribute your stored water.)

Step 5 Purchase a rain barrel or rain barrels (available from garden supply stores, landscape gardeners or even gutter installation companies) and position it on the base.

Step 6 Install a screen at the top of your downspout or rain barrels to keep leaves and twigs out of your harvested rainwater, and rearrange your downspout so the discharge goes directly into the barrel.

Step 7 Install hoses between your barrels (near the top) so they will share the collected rainwater, if you are going to be using more than one barrel.

Step 8 Install an overflow hose running at least three feet away from your home foundation on one of the barrels so if the system gets too full, the overflow won't end up at the base of your foundation or cause local erosion.

Step 9 Install taps near the bottom of your rain barrels so you can connect your hose or water distribution system.

Distributing Your Harvest

Step 1 Connect a soaker hose or a watering system made from plastic tubing to the outlets on your rain barrels and run it to your garden. When your garden needs watering all you need to do is turn on the tap and gravity will force the water through the tubes.

Maintaining Your Water Harvesting System

Step 1 Clean the screen at the top of your downspout periodically to remove any accumulation of leaves or debris.

Step 2 Check the holes in your water distribution system occasionally. Since they are lying on the ground, they need to be cleaned periodically.

Source : eHow.com

How to Make a Solar Panel

Saturday, April 24, 2010

By an eHow Contributing Writer

Solar cells convert the energy of the sun into electricity. By using items commonly found in the home or your local hardware store, you can make a solar panel to demonstrate this photoelectric effect. You can also save energy by converting some of your traditional electrical supply over to solar power.


Harness the Power of the Sun

Step 1 Use sheet metal shears to cut the copper flashing in a square or rectangle to fit the size of the electric burner. Be sure to use a piece of copper flashing that is thoroughly cleaned. You may use sandpaper to thoroughly remove any sign of corrosion before proceeding.

Step 2 Place the copper flashing on the electric burner and turn the burner on. You will need to "cook" the flashing for as long as 30 minutes or more to develop a thick layer of black cupric oxide.

Step 3 Allow the copper to cool slowly once the layer of cupric oxide has formed. It will begin to flake off and may do so with some force as the oxide and the copper cool at different rates.

Step 4 Scrub the completely cooled copper under running water to remove any last remaining bits of oxide. Be gentle, as you do not want to remove any of the red cuprous oxide that has been created in heating the flashing.

Step 5 Cut another piece of copper to the same size. Attach both panels using the alligator clips to the inside of the wide-mouth glass jar or plastic bottle with the top cut off. The panels should not touch and should bend to match the curves of the jar or bottle.

Step 6 Connect the lead of the alligator clip which fastens the clean copper plate to the positive terminal of the meter. The negative terminal should then be connected to the cuprous oxide plate.

Step 7 Make a solution of salt and water by dissolving the salt in hot tap water. You should make enough solution to barely cover the bottom of the plates, leaving the clips high and dry.

Step 8 Place your solar panel in the sun to see the gauge jump to reflect the current your project has created.

Source : eHow.com

How to Make Gmail a Free Online Storage Drive

Friday, April 23, 2010

By 1How, eHow Member

Every since Google launched Gmail, they've been adding more free storage. Recent counts put the total space over 7GB. An online backup service can be pretty pricey, but if you're feeling adventurous you can actually convert your Gmail to an online backup service! Best of all, it's free.


Step 1 In order to mimic the upload and download functions of an online backup service, we're going to need the Gspace plug-in for Firefox. There is other software that will do this, but Gspace is cross-platform so it'll work on any system with Firefox installed. You can get it for free from GetGspace.com or by searching the Firefox add-on page.

Step 2 Using Gmail as an online backup service is a little messy, so you're going to want to sign up for a new Gmail account. Don't worry - Google doesn't mind you having several accounts. In fact, you could even sign up for a few extra accounts when you're done to get more storage.

Step 3 Once the plug-in is install and you have your new Gmail account, open Firefox. Go to "Tools" in the menubar and click "Gspace". Click on "Manage Accounts". Enter your email ID and password. Click the "Add" button to add the account to your online backup service list. If you made several accounts, you can repeat these steps to add them as well. Once you're done, click "Close". You'll now be able to select your email address from the drop down menu at the top of the screen...do so and click "Login".

Step 4 The interface works like an FTP program you'd use for a traditional online backup service. Now that you're logged in, you can click "Browse" in the left hand pane to open the "Choose Folder" menu. Use this to navigate to where your files are. When you've found the folder, click the "Open" button.

Step 5 Select item (or items) you want to copy and click the arrow button that points to the right. The transfer will begin. You can see the progress in the lower left hand corner. As with any online backup service, the time it takes to transfer depends on the size of the payload and your internet speed. They can take a while! Once the files are transferred online, you can download them using the arrow pointing left.

Source : eHow.com

How to Save Water and Money at Home

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

By Murray Anderson, eHow Contributing Writer

We're all aware of the need to conserve water, both for our pocketbooks and for the environment. In many areas of the country, growing populations and limited nearby water supplies are making water a scarce (and expensive) commodity. Now, if you've got a lot of money to spend on new appliances like front loading washing machines and dual flush toilets, cutting down on water usage is relatively easy. However, if you don't have a lot of money to spend, conserving water can be a challenge. Here are some ideas on how to reduce the amount of water you use at home-without emptying your bank account.


Step 1 Almost 75 percent of the water used in North American homes is used in the bathroom, so it's the logical place to start.

Step 2 Cut down on the length of the showers you take. A 10-minute shower uses almost 40 gallons of water. Cut that shower down to 5 minutes and you've saved 20 gallons of water.

Step 3 Install low flow showerheads. Available at home and hardware stores, there are all kinds of decorating options, and an efficient low flow showerhead can be purchased for less than $25. Advances in low flow showerhead technology mean you likely won't feel any difference, but your water usage will drop dramatically.

Step 4 Check to see if your toilet is constantly running or leaking from the tank into the toilet bowl. Look for leaks by adding some food coloring (or even cold coffee) to the tank and wait a few minutes. If the food coloring shows up in the bowl, the toilet is leaking. Replacing toilet components is inexpensive (most pieces are less than $10) and easy. The parts are available at home and hardware stores and the same stores often have brochures describing how to replace the parts.

Step 5 Minimize the amount of water your toilet uses with each flush by putting a plastic bottle (a large pop bottle will do fine) filled with sand or gravel in the toilet tank. The bottle will replace some of the water that your toilet uses each time it flushes.

How to Save Water in the Rest of the Home

Step 1 Install insulation around all your accessible hot water pipes, particularly those within 3 feet of your hot water tank. Insulation will help keep the water in your pipes warm so you won't need to run as much water out of the tap waiting for the hot to arrive.

Step 2 Check to see if any of your faucets are dripping. Replacing a washer or repairing a faucet is straightforward and inexpensive and will more than pay for itself in a short time.

Step 3 Add low flow aerators to all the faucets in your home. These aerators cost around $5 and will cut down on the amount of water you use in the kitchen sink and washroom basins.

Step 4 Run your dishwasher and washing machine only with full loads. Both full loads and partial loads will use the same amount of water, so waiting until you have a full load will make optimal use of your water.

Step 5 Consider installing a rain barrel and using rainwater for your plants and garden.

Source : eHow.com


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

“PERHATIAN: Sekarang Anda Berpeluang Mendapatkan Strategi Lengkap Dan Terkini Jana Wang AdSense & Trafik Versi 2.5 Yang Mampu Mengubah Pendapatan Online Anda Selamanya...!”

Dimana-mana Sahaja Mereka Sibuk Memperkatakan Tentang Pakej Lengkap JWA (Adsense &Trafik) Yang TERBUKTI Membantu Mereka Menambah Pendapatan Secara Online... Saya Sendiri Tidak Menduganya!

Pembaca Yang Dihormati,

Pernahkah anda tertanya-tanya didalam hati, adakah benar orang biasa seperti anda ini boleh menghasilkan pendapatan atau duit melalui internet?

Duit untuk anda membayar sewa bulanan kereta dan rumah anda. Duit yang membolehkan anda membuat home business secara sepenuh masa. Duit yang membolehkan anda pencen dengan lebih awal. Saya percaya anda telah berkali-kali mendengar tentang mereka yang telah berjaya menjana duit atau menambah pendapatan melalui internet tetapi anda tidak pasti dan keliru bagaimana untuk anda melakukan perkara yang sama!

Anda mungkin terfikir bahawa ini mungkin hanya untuk mereka yang tertentu sahaja? Dan anda merasakan SUCCESSFUL home business ini hanya satu mimpi atau angan-angan untuk anda.

Percayalah, saya sangat memahami keadaan itu! Saya pernah berada di dalam keadaan yang sama seperti anda suatu ketika dahulu! Saya yakin dan saya boleh buktikan NEWCOMER, orang biasa seperti anda juga boleh menghasilkan pendapatan atau duit dari internet secara online. Sesuatu yang benar...SESIAPA sahaja boleh menjadi internet marketer yang berjaya.

Untuk pengetahuan anda, publishing business (Google Adsense) adalah salah satu internet business yang telah diperkenalkan oleh Google Inc sejak dari tahun 2003 dimana anda boleh menjana pendapatan dengan hanya memaparkan iklan advertiser diblog anda. Bila Iklan tersebut muncul di Blog atau website anda dan pelawat klik iklan tersebut, anda akan dibayar komisyen oleh Google Inc. Sila tonton video tutorial dibawah untuk penerangan lebih lanjut berkenaan Google AdSense.

Dapatkan maklumat lanjut dan pakej tersebut di

How to Backup Your Gmail

Saturday, April 10, 2010

By Amy Kniss, eHow Contributing Writer

Gmail users rely on the ease and accessibility of the widely used email service - a service what works 99.9% of the time. Perhaps its usual reliability made Gmail's 100 minute blackout in August so difficult to handle. When Gmailers around the globe confronted service failure, the loyal users loudly lamented the hardship. Imagine the insurmountable horror (or at least extreme frustration) conjured by the inability to access important content in your email, for an hour and a half! Instead of crying about unexpected downtime, protect your data by backing up your Gmail.

Following a few simple steps, you can easily backup your Gmail account and shield all the vital material in your email from service interruptions. Keep reading to learn how.

Step 1 Sign-in to your Gmail account. If you don't have a Gmail account you can open one by searching for Gmail in any search engine and following the account sign up directions.

Step 2 Select a program that saves your emails to your hard drive or other secure and accessible location (online storage site, external hard drive, etc.). This way you will have access to your email even if Google goes offline. There are a few programs you can use for this; GMail Backup and Fetchmail are two commonly used programs.

Step 3 Download the email archiving program you selected in step two. Follow the archive program's setup prompts and complete the installation process.

Step 4 Enable Gmail forwarding. To do this return to the top of your opened Gmail window and select the Settings tab, then enable forwarding by clicking the appropriate choice.

Step 5 Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP (the fourth tab from the left on the Settings page). Then select from the POP Download options to enable you to download your email.

Step 6 Decide whether Gmail must keep a copy of your emails or delete the messages after they are processed with POP and select the bubble that reflects your choice.

Step 7 Configure your POP client (if you need help with this click "Configuration Instructions" under Step 3 of the Forwarding and POP/IMAP Settings page). Save your changes by selecting "Save Changes" before exiting the page.

Source : eHow.com

How to Create a Hard-to-Crack Password

Thursday, April 8, 2010

By Virginia DeBolt, eHow Contributing Writer

Simple passwords put your online security--and all your information--at risk, but you may be surprised by how many people have easy-to-crack passwords.

A recent study of 10,000 Hotmail, MSN and Live.com passwords that were exposed online found that "123456" was the most commonly used password. That no-brainer appeared 64 times.

Forty-two percent of the passwords used lowercase letters from a to z; only 6 percent mixed alpha-numeric and other characters, according to the analysis published in "Wired" Magazine.

Luckily, there are a few simple rules you can follow to create smart passwords that are hard to crack to protect yourself on the World Wide Web.

Step 1 Know what not to do. The easiest-to-crack passwords are too few digits, all lowercase letters, all numbers in an easy-to-guess pattern, or a name, according to "Wired."

Step 2 Choose a password with at least eight characters to be secure. The characters should be a mix of numbers and lowercase and uppercase letters.

Step 3 Don't use names or numbers that are easily identified with you. No names of your children, dog, street address, phone number, birthdate or other personally connected words.

Step 4 Use techniques that create passwords which appear to be nonsense. Take a sentence that you can remember. It should contain some numbers. Some of the words in the sentence should be capitalized. Here's an example sentence: By age 5 Megan could type 48 words per minute. As a password, that sentence would be: Ba5Mct48wpm.

An example from Microsoft offered the sentence "My son Aiden is three years old." As a password that could read "MsAi3yo". Or, for even more complexity, use symbols to replace letters. With symbols substituted for some of the letters, you might end up with "M$8ni3y0."

Step 5 Another technique is to choose a phrase for an effective password. For example: prairie dogs. If some of the letters in the phrase were capitalized, it would be even better. For example: praiRie doGs. If numbers were used to replace some of the letters in the phrase it would be better yet. If a=4 and o=0, then the password would be: pr4iRie d0Gs.

How to Build the Ultimate Home Computer

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

By James Walker, eHow Contributing Writer

For many, having a computer that can do basic functions, such as surf the Internet or write email, is enough. For those that need more from their machines, the best option is to build your own PC. They cost less than prebuilt computers, and you can have direct control over every piece of hardware you use. Building an ultimate PC for gaming or multimedia is no more difficult than building a regular PC, but the parts you will need are going to be somewhat more specific in functionality.


Step 1 Use a processor with both a high clock speed and high memory cache. If you are on a budget, the E8500 from Intel is a good option. It's priced under $200, and unless you intend to have your computer run multiple memory-heavy programs at one time, it is an excellent high-end option for those wanting to build a top-of-the-line gaming or multimedia PC.

Step 2 Purchase high-end video and audio cards. Most modern video cards are now equipped with the capability to process HD video as well as render graphics for the newest PC titles. Likewise, if you want to have your computer hooked up to a surround sound system, you will want to invest in a high-end 7.1 sound card.

Step 3 Overload on RAM. Even though most operating systems only recognize between 3GB and 4GB of RAM, you can put much more than that in your computer. Do not be afraid of spending a little extra and putting the maximum amount of RAM supported by your motherboard.

Step 4 Use a motherboard that supports lots of RAM (between 16 and 32GB), as well as multiple hard drives. Many enthusiast boards from companies like EVGA and XFX meet both of these requirements and also allow for you to overclock your processor and RAM via their BIOS software. Overclocking allows you to squeeze a little extra power out of your computer components.

Step 5 Utilize multiple hard drives. You can save money by purchasing one smaller hard drive (80 to 120GB) to support your operating system while formatting the other, larger hard drives (ideally between 500GB and 2TB) to store your nonessential files, like movies, video games, pictures, music and so forth. Just be sure that both hard drives have the same RPM speeds.

Step 6 Use a large tower to house your components. This will increase air flow, which will allow all your components to run at lower temperatures. This will help avoid overheating, which leads to computer crashes.

Step 7 Avoid using Windows Vista at any cost. If possible, use Windows XP, as this is the operating system that is compatible with the most programs. Windows 7 is excellent for gaming PCs as it allows users to utilize DirectX 11, which is a piece of software that helps your video card render 3D objects.

Source : eHow.com

Al Hayaa Seminar

Monday, April 5, 2010

Seminar on : Al Hayaa (For Sisters Only)
Speakers : Shaykh Abu Bakr Al Shatri, Shaykh Salem Al Amry & Dr Khalid Khan
Date : Thursday 8th April 2010
Time : 11am - 5pm
Venue : London Muslim Centre
Website : http://www.almuminaat.com

What Allah Loves and Hates

Seminar on : What Allah Loves and Hates
Speaker : Shaykh Salem Al Amry (UAE)
Date : Tue, 6th & Wed, 7th April 2010
Time : 5pm - late
Venue : Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre
Website : http://www.tayyibun.co.uk


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The Jum'ah Salaah & the Sunnah Salaahs

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Product code : The Jum'ah Salaah & the Sunnah Salaahs
Product name : The Jum'ah Salaah & the Sunnah Salaahs
Author :
Price : SGD24.90
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages :

About this book =) This book teaches the different types of prayers ( solat ) namely solat al Rawatib, al Tahajjuj, al Taubah, al Eid, al Khauf, al Janazah, al Kusuf, al Khusuf, al Witr, al Tarawih and many others. It teaches how to perform those prayers according to the sunnah of Rasulullah saw.

Bimbingan Lengkap Fardhu 'Ain

Product code : Bimbingan Lengkap Fardhu 'Ain
Product name : Bimbingan Lengkap Fardhu 'Ain
Author :
Price : SGD7.00
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages :

About this book =) Bimbingan Lengkap Fardhu 'Ain

Himpunan Risalah Dalam Beberapa Persoalan Ummah Buku 3

Product code : Himpunan Risalah Dalam Beberapa Persoalan Ummah Buku 3
Product name : Himpunan Risalah Dalam Beberapa Persoalan Ummah Buku 3
Author :
Price : SGD11.90
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages :

About this book =) Buku ini memuatkan beberapa artikel yang dipandang penting menyentuh isu-isu dan persoalan umat Islam semasa. Diantaranya adalah perbezaan antara ekonomi barat dan ekonomi islam, isu kafir mengkafir, menilai semula hukum kenajisan anjing dan tsunami.

Himpunan Risalah Dalam Beberapa Persoalan Ummah Buku 4

Product code : Himpunan Risalah Dalam Beberapa Persoalan Ummah Buku 4
Product name : Himpunan Risalah Dalam Beberapa Persoalan Ummah Buku 4
Author :
Price :
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages : SGD11.90

About this book =) Buku ini memuatkan beberapa artikel yang dipandang penting menyentuh isu-isu dan persoalan umat Islam semasa. Diantaranya adalah satu analisa ke atas kertas kerja Zainah Anwar(sister in Islam), pakaian Muslimah bertaqwa, merangka belanjawan dari perspektif Islam, meninjau semula hukum kenajisan khinzir, pendirian para sahabat di sebalik perang Jamal, Siffin serta pembunuhan Hasan dan Husin, dan pencerahan dalam persoalan solat Qabliyah Jumaat.

Hukum dan Tata Cara Mengurus Jenazah

Product code : Hukum dan Tata Cara Mengurus Jenazah
Product name : Hukum dan Tata Cara Mengurus Jenazah
Price : SGD50.40
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages :

About this book =) Buku ini adalah penterjemahan dari kitab Ahkaam al-Janaa-iz wa Bida`uha, karya ulama besar Imam Muhammad Nashiruddin al-Albani. Ia mengandungi hukum hukum yang berkaitan dengan kematian dan tata cara memandikan, mengkafani, mengsholati, dan mengubur serta mengurusi hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan jenazah. Ia juga ada ketentuan yang wajib dikerjakan oleh orang yang sedang sakit hingga ajal datang, kententuan bagi kerabat orang yang meninggal, ta`ziyah serta ziarah kubur.

Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 2

Product code : Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 2
Product name : Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 2
Price : SGD9.00
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages :

About this book =) Buku yang berjilid satu hingga lima ini menghuraikan persoalan Fiqh berdasarkan pandangan yang ada dalam mazhab Shafie. Di samping perbincangannya yang menyeluruh, meliputi hampir keseluruhan tajuk dalam bab Fiqh , ia tetap istimewa dari segi perbincangannya yang tidak meleret terus kepada apa yang ingin disampaikan dan mudah difahami. Ia disusun berdasarkan tajuk-tajuk kecil yang mudah dicari, serta pelbagai keistimewaan lain yang hanya dapat dirasai oleh pembaca. Jilid ini mengandungi topik topik seperti Zakat, Puasa, Haji dan Umrah.

Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 3

Product code : Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 3
Product name : Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 3
Price : SGD7.70
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages :

About this book =) Buku yang berjilid satu hingga lima ini menghuraikan persoalan Fiqh berdasarkan pandangan yang ada dalam mazhab Shafie. Di samping perbincangannya yang menyeluruh, meliputi hampir keseluruhan tajuk dalam bab Fiqh , ia tetap istimewa dari segi perbincangannya yang tidak meleret terus kepada apa yang ingin disampaikan dan mudah difahami. Ia disusun berdasarkan tajuk-tajuk kecil yang mudah dicari, serta pelbagai keistimewaan lain yang hanya dapat dirasai oleh pembaca. Jilid ini mengandungi topik topik seperti Sumpah, Nazar, Perburuan dan Sembelihan, Aqiqah, Makanan dan Minuman, Pakaian dan Perhiasan dan Kafarah.

Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 4

Product code : Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 4
Product name : Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 4
Price : SGD11.20
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages :

About this book =) Buku yang berjilid satu hingga lima ini menghuraikan persoalan Fiqh berdasarkan pandangan yang ada dalam mazhab Shafie. Di samping perbincangannya yang menyeluruh, meliputi hampir keseluruhan tajuk dalam bab Fiqh , ia tetap istimewa dari segi perbincangannya yang tidak meleret terus kepada apa yang ingin disampaikan dan mudah difahami. Ia disusun berdasarkan tajuk-tajuk kecil yang mudah dicari, serta pelbagai keistimewaan lain yang hanya dapat dirasai oleh pembaca. Jilid ini mengandungi topik-topik seperti undang-undang kekeluargaan(Nikah, Talak, Nafkah, Penjagaan Anak-anak, Penyusuan, Menentukan Keturunan, Anak Buangan).

Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 5

Product code : Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 5
Product name : Kitab Fikah Mazhab Syafie Jilid 5
Price : SGD11.20
Cover : (Hard/Soft)
Pages :

About this book =) Buku yang berjilid satu hingga lima ini menghuraikan persoalan Fiqh berdasarkan pandangan yang ada dalam mazhab Shafie. Di samping perbincangannya yang menyeluruh, meliputi hampir keseluruhan tajuk dalam bab Fiqh , ia tetap istimewa dari segi perbincangannya yang tidak meleret terus kepada apa yang ingin disampaikan dan mudah difahami. Ia disusun berdasarkan tajuk-tajuk kecil yang mudah dicari, serta pelbagai keistimewaan lain yang hanya dapat dirasai oleh pembaca. Jilid ini mengandungi topik topik seperti Wakaf, Wasiat dan Faraid.

Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Haji, Umrah & Ziarah

Pruduct code : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Haji, Umrah & Ziarah
Product name : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Haji, Umrah & Ziarah
Price : SGD25.00

About this book =) Buku ini yang mengandungi panduan ilmu Fiqh Syeikh Omar Al-Khatib, Bab Haji, Umrah dan Ziarah ini sangat sesuai dipelajari oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat Islam termasuk para pelajar madrasah setempat atau pusat pengajian luar negara serta mereka yang menunaikan fardu haji dan umrah. Malahan ia sesuai juga digunakan oleh agensi pelancongan yang menguruskan lawatan ke Baitillah. Buku ini juga boleh dijadikan sebagai bahan kajian di peringkat yang lebih tinggi lagi dan penyelidikan oleh para guru ugama. Buku kecil yang disertakan bersama buku Panduan Ibadah Haji ini mengandungi doa-doa yang bersangkut paut dengan ibadah haji itu sendiri dan juga soalan-soalan yang boleh digunakan oleh para asatizah dan pembimbing-pembimbing manasik untuk panduan perbincangan dan ujian.

Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Korban, Aqiqah, Makanan & Perubatan

Product code : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Korban, Aqiqah, Makanan & Perubatan
Product name : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Korban, Aqiqah, Makanan & Perubatan
Price : SGD10.00

About this book =) Buku ini mengandungi maudu`-maudu`yang sungguh menarik dan sering kali ditanya dalam program kemusykilan agama melalui Radio, TV dan suratkhabar. Antaranya ialah penggunaan benda-benda najis sebagai ubat, memakan bangkai, babi atau mayat dalam masa darurat, haiwan-haiwan di darat dan di laut yang halal dan haram bagi orang-orang Islam. Selanjutnya, dikupas dengan teliti ibadat Korban, Aqiqah dan Hadyun, termasuk soalan sama ada boleh atau tidak daging korban diagihkan kepada yang bukan Muslim. Perhubungan dengan perkara-perkara tersebut ialah Penyembelihan (yang sah dan yang tidak sah) dan Perburuan yang dibolehkan oleh syarak. Buku ini juga memberi keterangan tentang hukum Salam dan kelebihannya, serta cara menyambut tetamu menurut agama kita. Ia pun mengetengahkan amalan Jampi dan Tangkal dan akhir sekali berhubung dengan mata manusia dan apakah ia boleh mendatangkan mudarat kepada orang lain. Semoga setiap maudu` ini dapat membuka minda pembaca serta bermanfaat. Hasil buku ini adalah daripada kitab-kitab penyusun dari pelajaran ilmu Fiqh Al-Marhum Syeikh Omar Al-Khatib.

Cara Menjalankan Perniagaan Dari Rumah Secara Automatik

Friday, April 2, 2010

Berita baik bagi anda yang berada di kawasan Lembah Klang, pada hari Ahad ini, akan dijalankan sesi kongsi ilmu percuma bersama StormReaders2U dan Irfan Khairi.

"Cara Menjalankan Perniagaan Dari Rumah Secara Automatik"
Ahad 4hb April 2010
2.30 petang - 5.30 petang
Hotel Singgahsana, Petaling Jaya (belakang PJ Hilton)

Sekiranya anda ingin menyertai sesi bersama Irfan Khairi dan Abang Abu secara percuma, sila email kepada sales@rahsiainternet.com


Serta kan di dalam isi kandungan email:

  • NAMA
  • Nombor HP

Jutawan Internet, Irfan Khairi akan menyampaikan ceramah perniagaan bertajuk "Cara Menjalankan Perniagaan Dari Rumah Secara Automatik" yang telah mendapat sambutan yang amat hebat di Kuala Lumpur dan juga Johor Bahru baru-baru ini. Kaedah yang disampaikannya bukan sahaja untuk mereka yang menyertai StormReaders sahaja, tetapi, tak kira apa sahaja perniagaan yang anda jalankan, anda boleh aplikasikan kaedah dan strategi yang disampaikan untuk melipatkali gandakan pelanggan anda- dijamin!

Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Munakahat 1

Product code : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Munakahat 1
Product name : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Munakahat 1
Price : SGD12.00

About this book =) Buku ini (jilid satu dan dua) adalah satu buku yang baik untuk dimiliki setiap orang. Ia mengandungi hukum-hukum pernikahan dan penceraian yang mudah difahami yang seharusnya diketahui oleh setiap umat Islam. Mudah-mudahan dengan tercetaknya buku ini, sedikit sebanyak akan melenyapkan kejahilan dan meningkatkan kefahaman umat Islam dalam bab munakahat ini. Hasil buku ini adalah daripada kitab-kitab penyusun dari pelajaran ilmu Fiqh Al-Marhum Syeikh Omar Al-Khatib.

Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Munakahat 2

Product code : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Munakahat 2
Product name : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Munakahat 2
Price : SGD12.00

About this book =) Buku ini (jilid satu dan dua) adalah satu buku yang baik untuk dimiliki setiap orang. Ia mengandungi hukum-hukum pernikahan dan penceraian yang mudah difahami yang seharusnya diketahui oleh setiap umat Islam. Mudah-mudahan dengan tercetaknya buku ini, sedikit sebanyak akan melenyapkan kejahilan dan meningkatkan kefahaman umat Islam dalam bab munakahat ini. Hasil buku ini adalah daripada kitab-kitab penyusun dari pelajaran ilmu Fiqh Al-Marhum Syeikh Omar Al-Khatib.

Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Puasa & Zakat

Product code : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Puasa & Zakat
Product name : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Puasa & Zakat
Price : SGD12.00

About this book =) Buku ini mengandungi dua rukun Islam yang terpenting, iaitu Puasa dan Zakat. Puasa dapat mendidik jasmani dan rohani sehingga mendekatkan orang yang berpuasa itu kepada Khaliknya, menjadi orang yang bersabar, bertaqwa dan bersyukur manakala Zakat pula dapat menanam perasaan kasih sayang dan kemesraan, menjalin hubungan persaudaraan sesama Islam. Ia memberi masyarakat satu cara mengurus ekonomi dan kewangan yang diredhai Allah. Buku ini hasil daripada pengajian penyusun dari As- Syeikh Omar Bin Abdullah Al-Khatib. Ia juga secara langsung menjawab pelbagai persoalan harian yang bersangkut paut dengan masalah puasa dan zakat yang tidak didapati dalam kitab - kitab yang biasa di pasaran.

Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Sholat (Jilid 1)

Product code : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Sholat (Jilid 1)
Product name : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Sholat (Jilid 1)
Price : SGD12.00

About this book =) Buku sholat ini (Jilid satu dan dua) insya`Allah dapat membantu pembaca memperhalusi sholatnya, serta memberi banyak jawapan kepada kemusykilan yang di hadapi orang kebanyakan dalam ibadah sholat mereka. Keunggulan buku ini ialah kerincian dalam mengupas setiap perkara berhubung dengan sholat. Ditulis dengan penuh teratur dan mudah difahami, buku ini adalah hasil daripada catatan penyusun ketika belajar dari As-Syeikh Omar Al-Khatib, seorang guru ternama di dunia Islam.

Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Sholat (Jilid 2)

Product code : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Sholat (Jilid 2)
Product name : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Sholat (Jilid 2)
Price : SGD13.00

About this book =) Buku sholat ini (Jilid satu dan dua) insya`Allah dapat membantu pembaca memperhalusi sholatnya, serta memberi banyak jawapan kepada kemusykilan yang di hadapi orang kebanyakan dalam ibadah sholat mereka. Keunggulan buku ini ialah kerincian dalam mengupas setiap perkara berhubung dengan sholat. Ditulis dengan penuh teratur dan mudah difahami, buku ini adalah hasil daripada catatan penyusun ketika belajar dari As-Syeikh Omar Al-Khatib, seorang guru ternama di dunia Islam.

Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Thahaarah

Product code : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Thahaarah
Product name : Panduan Ilmu Fiq'h, Bab Thahaarah
Price : SGD12.00

About this book =) Buku ini mengandungi ilmu Fiqh Thahaarah yang lengkap dan padat dengan perbahasan hukum-hukum yang bersangkut paut dengan Thahaarah hingga ke masalah khitan dan secara langsung menjawab pelbagai persoalan harian yang bersangkut paut dengan masalah Thahaarah yang kadang kala jarang ditemui di kitab Fiqh Thahaarah yang lain in pasaran. Ia ditambah pula dengan cara perhidangan yang baik, lagi menarik dan mudah difahami, dijelaskan segala permasalahannya mengikut pandangan Madzhab Shafie dengan sesekali membawa pandangan madzhab yang lain sebagai perbandingan. Hasil buku ini adalah daripada kitab-kitab penyusun dari pelajaran ilmu Fiqh Al-Marhum Syeikh Omar Al-Khatib.

Pembahagian Harta Pusaka Menurut Islam

Product code : Pembahagian Harta Pusaka Menurut Islam
Product name : Pembahagian Harta Pusaka Menurut Islam
Price : SGD12.00

About this book =) Buku ini harus dipunyai oleh setiap keluarga muslim kerana pembahagian harta mengikut hukum-hukum Islam adalah suatu aspek penting dalam keluarga dan masyarakat Islam yang kurang diberi perhatian tetapi sentiasa dihadapi oleh setiap keluarga muslim. Insya`Allah, buku ini boleh menimbulkan kesedaran kepada pembaca tentang pentingnya faraidh dalam Islam. Ditulis dengan teratur dan logik, buku ini mudah difaham, komprehensif dan sesuai digunakan sebagai buku teks untuk pelajar-pelajar dan juga mengandungi latihan-latihan untuk pengukuhan pelajar-pelajar.Ia juga banyak memberi jawapan kepada masalah-masalah dan soalan-soalan yang biasa ditanya dan jarang didapati dalam buku-buku faraidh yang lain. Buku ini sesuai digunakan sebagai buku panduan dan rujukan untuk orang orang yang bermazhab Shafie. Hasil buku ini adalah daripada kitab-kitab penyusun dari pelajaran ilmu Fiqh Al-Marhum Syeikh Omar Al-Khatib.

Petunjuk Al-Qur'an Dan Al-Sunnah Berkenaan Haidh

Product code : Petunjuk Al-Qur'an Dan Al-Sunnah Berkenaan Haidh
Product name : Petunjuk Al-Qur'an Dan Al-Sunnah Berkenaan Haidh
Price : SGD6.30

About this book =) Buku ini membicarakan subjek yang penting bagi umat Islam, khasnya para muslimah. Banyak amal ibadah dan hukum seperti solat, haji, kehamilan, penceraian dan sebagainya yang bergantung kepada subjek ini. Buku ini ringkas tetapi padat, dipenuhi dengan pelbagai hukum dan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan haid, istihadah dan nifas. Para pembaca akan memperolehi kepuasan ilmu apabila membaca dan mengkajinya.

Islamic Law Volume 2, Zakaat

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Product code : Islamic Law Volume 2, Zakaat
Product name : Islamic Law Volume 2, Zakaat
Price : SGD14.90

About this book =) This book is Volume Two of the Islamic Law Series. Readers should get this to find out how to fulfill the third principal of Islam, the zakaat, so that their wealth will `.....increase, increase and increase` as mentioned by the Prophet saw.

Islamic Law Volume 4, The Hajj: The Law & the Rationale

Product code : Islamic Law Volume 4, The Hajj: The Law & the Rationale
Product name : Islamic Law Volume 4, The Hajj: The Law & the Rationale
Price : SGD14.90

About this book =) This book is Volume 4 of the Islamic Law Series, from which the subject being discussed is Hajj. This is under the category of fiq-hul `ibaadaat. It is the fifth pillar of Islam and is therefore an essential act of submission. The book describes in detail the laws, the rationale and the conditions for Hajj.

Doa's For Children

Kod produk : dfcddukk
Nama produk : Doa-doa Untuk Kanak-kanak (Do’a for Children)
Harga : SGD2.80

Berkenaan buku ini =)

Cara Solat untuk Lelaki

Kod produk : SPPA (L)
Nama produk : Solat - Panduan Praktikal (ASAS) Lelaki
Harga : SGD3.00

Berkenaan buku ini =)

Aku Cinta Rasulullah

Kod produk : Aku Cinta Rasulullah
Nama produk : Aku Cinta Rasulullah
Harga : SGD19.00

Berkenaan buku ini =)

Kamus Tematik Andalus : Mari Kenal Islam

Kod produk : kita
Nama produk : Kamus Tematik Andalus - Mari Kenal Islam Bahagian 1
Harga : SGD8.40

Berkenaan buku ini =) Siri Kamus Tematik Andalus dibahagikan kepada dua buku iaitu kamus Mari Kenal Islam dan kamus Doa, Zikir dan Surah. Kamus ini bertujuan membantu para pelajar peringkat asas mengenal dan memahami istilah-istilah Bahasa Arab yang lazim digunakan dalam Islam.

Kamus ini disusun dalam tiga bahasa; Arab, Melayu dan Inggeris bagi memudahkan pemahaman pengguna dari latar belakang yang berbeza. Beberapa dalil al-Quran dan Hadis turut disertakan bagi setiap tema supaya para pelajar diberikan pendedahan awal kepada sumber rujukan Islam dan dapat mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan seharian.

A Unique Miracle

Product code : A Unique Miracle
Product name : A Unique Miracle
Price : SGD5.90

About this book =) The Quran Stories For Little Hearts series is specially designed to provide an easy way to help your children understand more about the stories of the Quran by enjoying them and learning from them in a natural way. It`s a wonderful way to explain the greatest stories of the Quran to children and encourage them to explore the meaning and purpose of the word of Allah. A Unique Miracle is a beautifully illustrated and creatively written story about the Prophet Isa alaihissalam with simple text and magnificient colour illustrations that will captivate young, active minds both at home and in the classroom.

A Visit To Madinah

Product code : A Visit To Madinah
Product name : A Visit To Madinah
Price : SGD5.90

About this book =) Prophet Muhammad For Little Hearts series is especially designed to enable children to learn and understand more about the Prophet`s pbuh life in a natural and enjoyable way. It is a wonderful way to explain to children the meaning and purpose of the Prophet`s pbuh life and message and will encourage them to follow his teachings in their daily life. A Visit To Madinah is a beautifully illustrated and creatively written story with simple text and magnificient colour illustrations that will captivate young, active minds both at home and in the classroom.

Allah Made Them All

Product code : Allah Made Them All
Product name : Allah Made Them All
Price : SGD5.90

About this book =) The Quran Stories For Little Hearts series is specially designed to provide an easy way to help your children understand more about the stories of the Quran by enjoying them and learning from them in a natural way. It`s a wonderful way to explain the greatest stories of the Quran to children and encourage them to explore the meaning and purpose of the word of Allah. A Unique Miracle is a beautifully illustrated and creatively written story about the love of Allah swt and enrich children about His bounty with simple text and magnificient colour illustrations that will captivate young, active minds both at home and in the classroom.

Allah Speaks to the Prophet Musa

Product code : Allah Speaks to the Prophet Musa
Product name : Allah Speaks to the Prophet Musa
Price : SGD5.90

About this book =) The Quran Stories For Little Hearts series is specially designed to provide an easy way to help your children understand more about the stories of the Quran by enjoying them and learning from them in a natural way. It`s a wonderful way to explain the greatest stories of the Quran to children and encourage them to explore the meaning and purpose of the word of Allah. Allah Speaks To The Prophet Musa is a beautifully illustrated and creatively written story about the Prophet Musa alaihissalam with simple text and magnificient colour illustrations that will captivate young, active minds both at home and in the classroom.

Syaamil Al-Quran Perkata

Product code : saq(jkt)
Product name : Syaamil Al-Quran Perkata
Price : SGD40.60 (Hardcover) SGD28.40 (Softcover)

About this product =) -

Advice to computer users

For everyone who works daily on a computer. The mistakes daily mouse and keyboard usage will result in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome! Use the mouse and keyboard correctly. View below for the surgery of a patient suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome followed by the

RIGHT TECHNIQUES for usage....

Correct way to work on the Computer

Hand Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome :

Pesakit jantung berlubang, juga OKU

Adrianna Alysya Bt Mohd Hanib berasal dari Kuala Lumpur. Berumur 6 tahun 10 bulan. Mengidap penyakit kronik, jantung berlubang yang serius sejak dilahirkan dan juga adalah Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) iaitu tidak boleh mendengar, bercakap, dan berdiri. Boleh dikatakan setiap bulan dirawat dihospital. Adrianna memerlukan sejumlah bantuan kewangan daripada anda untuk meringankan beban kewangan bagi :-

  1. Membeli sebuah kerusi roda khas untuk kanak - kanak berharga lebih kurang RM 3,000.00
  2. Membayar hutang Institut Jantung Negara lebih kurang RM25,000.00.
  3. Menampung perbelanjaan kos rawatan dari masa ke semasa.
Rayuan kepada anda agar dapat menghulurkan sedikit sumbangan sekadar yang mampu bagi meringankan beban keluarganya.

Sebarang sumbangan harap dapat disalurkan ke akaun / atas nama :-
Adrianna Alysya Bt Mohd Hanib - CIMB Bank Acc No 1427 006 1573 521

Sekiranya sumbangan dalam bentuk cek diharap dapat hubungi ibunya Fazirah Bt Sidek di talian 012 658 0456 / 013 695 3030.

Harap dapat sebarkan berita ini kepada kenalan anda.

Blog Darul Andalus

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dapatkan buku-buku agama Islam secara online di http://darul-andalus.blogspot.com/. Terdapat pelbagai pilihan buku yang menarik untuk bacaan anda. Tingkatkan ilmu Islam anda dengan memperbanyakkan bacaan buku-buku ilmiah tersebut.

Terdapat juga buku-buku teks dan buku kerja untuk kelas-kelas pendidikan Islam pelbagai peringkat, dari nurseri hingga ke peringkat
menengah dan remaja.

Al-Qur'an Berjalan

Product code : Al-Qur'an Berjalan
Product name : Al-Qur'an Berjalan
Price : SGD38.50

About this book =) Ini bukan biografi Rasulullah saw, kerana "Manusia Agung" itu terlalu besar untuk membingkainya dalam sekat biografi yang sempit. Ini bukanlah dokumen sejarah yang mengupas kehidupan beliau sebagaimana ada dalam buku berjilid-jilid dan karangan-karangan yang banyak itu. tulisan ini juga bukan sebuah narasi yang dibuat pengarang-pengarang berbakat seperti anda baca pada buku-buku yang sudah ada. Sebenarnya, itu semua belum cukup. Bahkan, secara gamblang, tidak pernah akan cukup untuk memaparan satu sisi saja dari kehidupan beliau. Kesuksesan sebuah kesempurnaan sejati yang ditorehkan sang "Penyelamat umat manusia" itu memang terlalu memukau untuk dituliskan, bahkan dalam goresan tinta emas sekalipun. Tulisan ini hanyalah sedikit yang terlintas dalam benak, setitis tinta murah dari pena dan sedikit bisikan hati dari penulis. Ini hanyalah ungkapan sesesorang Muslim yang terpaku kagum di hadapan seseorang pemimpin, pembesar, tokoh, guru, sekaligus orang tuanya. Melalui tulisan ini, pengarang ingin membangunkan jembatan bagi siapa pun anda untuk melintasi satu tujuan - Hidupkan Ahlak Nabi saw Dalam Diri.


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